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*horatiofrog1 Blog

This place hates me

...I swear. No kidding.

Early on in the saga that is the frog I got the nasty surprise of finding my account blocked. Locked up. Inaccessible. Needless to say, that never got solved and the frog had to start anew with a slightly modified moniker.

Now, I'm convinced that this place hates me. I recently made Level 14 (Whoo-hoo, you'd think), but someone in their infinite wisdom decided to demote me to a Level 1. Now, I'm left with no ability to post to the guides and many, many questions.

Is this place seeking revenge because I don't post much in forum here? (Have a look at the conversations in some of these places and ask yourself why.) Are TPTB miffed because I inhabit several places very similar to here? At this point, there isn't much else to be done to me--I've been effectively stripped of my ability to submit to guides, and that was what I liked about this place.

Either fix the problem, or tell me why it happened. Please.

Traffic blogs

I have to say that since I've moved my blog (I run my own forum now), I've been missing out on the good traffic blogs. Just got done reading LadyCatherines about Michigan driving, and I have to say that, as a fellow Michigander, she's absolutely right.

Michigan, for those who don't know, is the home of the car. We also are the home of the amateur NASCAR league on Michigan expressways and back roads. I live in Mid-Michigan, and we have our races on I-75, US-10 and all major state highways. All drivers go at least five over the speed limit (except for I-75, where the limit is at least 80) and turn signals are a joke.

What always amuses me is when I go traveling and I see how other states attack the roads. My fiance lives north of Chicago, and the planners up there just don't understand that cars were meant to go fast, not drive on twisty roads that only allow 45mph on a good day. And all the roads there are like that. In Rhode Island, I've learned that leaving the lone major expressway is a bad idea: once you get off, you can't get back on. Ever. You may as well dig out the old AAA map and plot your escape. I-90 out of New York state is a nightmare, simply because it's so damn boring. At least on M-46 I get an ice cream stand or a cow or something to look at.

Plus there's the bridge to contend with. Not the Mighty Mac, which is a treasure (but not the best in windy conditions), but the Z-Bridge. The damn thing actually sags in places and everyone wonders when it's gonna fall apart. There's also a lot of smaller drawbridges in town, so wasting precious fumes waiting on a slow freighter is always a joy. Couple that with the psycho trains (the ones that stop, backup, and go about eight times before clearing the road), and LA traffic is nothing.

As for the crazy lefts, we've got 'em here. And they are a royal pain.



The Card List

For those of you familiar to the frogboard, I have some bad news.

 Betts's husband passed away early Tuesday morning.  He had gone in for angioplasty earlier that weekend, and went into arrest Tuesday morning around 3 a.m. 

H-man and I are in the process of getting a card and sending it around snail mail to those who want to sign it.  If you want to be on the list, please go over to the frogboard and send me a PM. 

Sombody's watching me...

Yeah, I know it's the name of a somewhat cheesy (but very catchy) 80s tune, but really, I've gotta know.

I just discovered recently that there are people tracking my contributions.  I'm curious as to why...I don't post very much here, but what I do post must be interesting.

If you're tracking me, please, tell me...what is it about my posts that you like?  As a writer, it's good to get feedback. :)

The main reason I'm glad I run my own board...


This place is starting to piss me off.

Last week I was a very content Level 13 (and a hard-earned Level 13, at that).  Now, I'm persona non grata.

Why the hell can't this place quit screwin' with the levels and such and leave things alone?!?!

Some of you may know that I run my own board for those who have "jumped ship."  It is moderated by very smart and knowledgeable people and member input is often sought in creating changes to things there.  As much as I'd like to overhaul the place from time to time, I also realize that if the people who visit there are happy, I'm happy.

It's a lesson that this place should learn.  I'm not amused.

After all, how on earth am I supposed to post for The Closer tonight if this place is effed up?

The Michigan List...

After reading Matt's hilarious "rules for living in Minnesota" I had to post a few "rules" we Michiganders have. You know you're from Michigan when: 1) You use your right hand as a road map. 2) You know of only three seasons: Winter, Construction, and deer. 3) You know what "the UP" is. 4) You know what "trolls" are. 5) You actually root for the Lions. No one else would dare. 6) The most important holiday is November 15th--opening day of deer season. 7) You refer anyplace you go to that is not in your town as "up north"...even if it's south of you. 8) You call the little shacks you sit in to ice fish "fishing-" or "ice-shanties", not "fish houses". 9) You understand the joke about car accidents on M-185.

"Lifeboat" meets "Jaws"... least, that was how I summed up this week's Lost installment. It was great. The only thing that could have been done better was to edit out the flashbacks. (I didn't like them much in "Special," either.) And I fear I may have to re-think my Locke opinion. At least, when he's acting like sane-and-clever Locke. (It seems he'll go back to his zelatious antics next week.) I only hope I'm that calm and logical should a crazy person have me at the business end of a gun. But back to our boys out on the water... I liked the fact that both Mike and Sawyer are dealing with WAlt's abduction. It's natural for Michael, having had the kid taken from him once already, but Sawyer has no real vested interest in the kid. I like this heroic, quasi-sensitive guy that has come out in the last couple of eps. (But someone p l e a s e continue with his nicknames and one-liners. I love his dry humor!) And I hope the mystery of how Jin managed to make it to shore gets solved. Especially since he seems to have had time to meet the natives...

Don't you hate when you are the exception?

Today I freaked out a pharmacist. No, I didn't ask for some rare or illegal substance. (I'm not that insane.) No, what surprised her was my query on whether Abreva (that stuff that zaps cold sores straight quick) could be used around the eyes. What really floored her is when I explained why I asked. Some of you might know I have some rather interesting experiences with cold sores. Most people know them as the irritating red swells taht line your lips at the wost possible moment. (This they are.) But what most people don't know is that the lips are only one of three places that cold sores can occur. I get them in the least likely (and scariest) of all places---around my eyes. Funny, ain't it? But it's true. My cold sores l o v ehunkering down in the corner of my right eye. Lately they have taken to the lid of my left eye. And when they run their course (about 7-10 days), they do some strange things. Basically, my eye swells shut. Or mostly shut. There's times I had to skip work b/c I was afraid to drive my car. And don't mention sleep. They get worse at night. I'm actually afraid to go to sleep. Or even wash my face. (I've recently mastered the art of precision hair-washing.) I generally look like I have pinkeye (I don't) or I've went 12 rounds with a Golden Gloves contender (I haven't). But the worst thing was when I spent most of my childhood not knowing what the damn things were. It took 15 years to discover what my little eye problem was. And why am I mentioning all of this to you? Because I think I have another one. The third one in as many months. I think something's really wrong with me this time. But on the bright side, I might get to skip school tomorrow... :)

The Consummate Pessimist...

...yep, that's me. And boy, does that title ever fit. If you've read me, you know I am pretty cynical by nature. (Being kicked in the teeth a lot growing up does that to a person.) Basically, bad things happen. Especially to me. And forget what they say about pessimists not living to be very old---no pessimist (except yours truly) will ever admit to being a pessimist. (They like to call themselves "realists.") Which is rather odd, as I am dating a guy who thinks I am the best thing to luck since the rabbit's foot. He claims that since he's started going out with me his world has been nothing but lucky. (It seems I've become Hurley in reverse.) So why am I so pessimistic? Take your pick. The government is out to stab the people in the back... Anyone higher than you in the workplace usually has an agenda... The people you should worry about stealing from you isn't the guy off the street--it's your own family... I could go on for days. However, today the Consummate Pessimist has a bit of good news---sometimes the world does work in favor of the little guy. A friend of mine was telling me how they almost has their car stolen out of their driveway...until her husband managed to wake the guy up in the car and was able to describe the would-be thief to the insurance people and the cops. Not only do they think they caught the guy, but insurance is covering the cost of steering column repairs in full. This is great news! Especially after what I read about the insurance companies and their "policy" on paying out on flood insurance... (Here's a tip--don't bother with it.) More to come in the weeks ahead...
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