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The Michigan List...

After reading Matt's hilarious "rules for living in Minnesota" I had to post a few "rules" we Michiganders have. You know you're from Michigan when: 1) You use your right hand as a road map. 2) You know of only three seasons: Winter, Construction, and deer. 3) You know what "the UP" is. 4) You know what "trolls" are. 5) You actually root for the Lions. No one else would dare. 6) The most important holiday is November 15th--opening day of deer season. 7) You refer anyplace you go to that is not in your town as "up north"...even if it's south of you. 8) You call the little shacks you sit in to ice fish "fishing-" or "ice-shanties", not "fish houses". 9) You understand the joke about car accidents on M-185.