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*iheartthoc Blog

Sorry I've been a no show...

It seems that its been a few months since I have updated the blog or wrote a new review.  New job, new place, and pretty much a new life, things have been a little hectic.  

Anyways, theres some awesome TV going on this season, and I can't wait to get started again.

I Heart GG....

Random Questions

Do you watch Gilmore Girls daily? pretty much
Do you think Rory should be with dean? not at all
Do you love the whole small town thing? Yes
Are you into music like Lane? no, not as obsessed
Max, Chris, Alex or Luke for Lorelai? Chris, match wits
What do you think of Luke? good guy, but not good enough for Lorelai
Dean, Jess or Logan for Rory? Logan
Do you like the theme song? Yes
Who's your favourite character? Rory

Which one?

Lorelai or Rory? Rory
Dean or Jess? Jess
Chris or Max? Chris
Babette or Miss Patty? Babette
Taylor or Kirk? Kirk
Luke or Alex? Luke...What ever happened to Alex?
Sookie or Michel? Sookie all the way...she cracks me up
Liz or T.J.? Liz....TJ gets on my nerves
Emily or Richard? Emily...she has a good punch
Stars Hollow or Hartford? Stars Hollow
Lane or Mrs Kim? Both
Paris or Doyle? Paris...cracks me up
Logan or Marty? Logan

More Random Questions

What was the first episode you saw? Rory's 16th Birthday
What is your favourite episode? Deer Hunters
What is your least favourite episode? none of them
Have you seen them all so far? absolutely
Who is your favourite character? Rory
Who is your least favourite character?Taylor
What is your favourite Lorelai/Rory moment? When they're in the car in Deer Hunters and Rory wants to take an impromptu nature hike
What is your favourite season?5
What is your least favourite season?2
What is your favourite relationship? Rory and Logan
Do you tape the episodes or collect the DVDs?I have all the DVDs

That's Sexy!!...Or not....

I seriously dislike Paris Hilton. Think about, she is famous for the sole purpose of being famous, its nauseating. She shouldn't call herself an actress, maybe an adult film actress, but I'm not one to judge. Simply reading off words from a page in front of a camera is not acting!!!

Why anyone let her record an album is beyond me. She's not even as good of a singer as Hilary Duff. Don't get me wrong, I like Hilary Duff but she's not the greatest singer.

That's enough....theres my Paris rant....

Watchout world!...TV world that is...

I'm just trying out this thing.  I figured I watch a lot of tv, and tend to have a few opinions about some of my favorite shows, so why not let people know them.   I love good acting and I'm a sucker for teen/young adult romances.