ok, he's a free fridge magnet that my fellow housemate got with sfx but it still counts, right?!!
i aint done one of these in a while, been a bit busy like the rest of you, had the easter hols, where i worked in a school and went on a drunken weekend to cardiff. and yes we did run around the bay area and stand on the torchwood stone, only we couldn't remember which one it was so i stood on 1 and my friend stood on another!!! it was fun!!!
i would like to take this opportunity to say how much i loved the last few episodes of torchwood epscially the last 2, i didn't cry in exit wounds but it was a close thing! I'd also like to say im loving the new series of dr who! cathrine tate is excellent, i have to be honest i did have my doubts when they announced it would be her, but im happy to say i was wrong about her!
ooh on the camp america front im off to a girl scout camp in conneticut on the 14th june :D im really looking forward to it! tho on minor downside i'll miss the last 3 or 4 epi's of dr who but thats why somebody invented the dvd recorder!! Off to london 2moro for an ca orientation, so i have to use the underground for only the 2nd time in my life and the 1st time in over a decade! hopefully i won't get lost!!
One final thing the weather has improved its warm and sunny! YAY!!!!!!!!! summer/ or spring for that matter may finally be here!! :D:D:D
love u all!