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So I am currently sitting in my 3rd period ****- MOS as some of you probably have come to know by now.. I mention it a lot. Well, today we have a substitute and we're supposed to be working - but eh i dont need that. So.. chilling, listening to Enter Sandman (currently - I'll let you know when the song changes) and informing you diligent readers.. :P .. about my current life. Well, this week has/will be somewhat of a busy one. First i was perplexxed with a friend problem, idk me and her growing apart i guess- she's all ditzy and blonde and stuff and i'm.... not. So she was like getting mad at me and saying I was mad at her and stuff, and I'm not really sure but it was total crap and really stupid - but is now over with *whew!* .. okay new song - Fine Again - Seether :) - Umm yah but I decided not to just leave her behind and gave a little more than her.. idk. Monday I played tennis :).

i love playing tennis and spring time :)

Yesterday I had school, stayed after to help film our school's ****of American Idol. It was pretty fun - a lot of spoof acts went on and that was great :) - my teacher even tried out and she is hilarious. Afterwards me and my friend (same one) went to the mall and got some gifts, went to eat, i got a flippintastic new hat!!, and a pretty cool necklace for 99 cnets! =] We had a pretty good time - which was great! :D .. lots of smileys being used. Well today I don't have too much going on - but something somewhat perplexing.. guy i like and he said he kinda liked me and said something culd happen b/w us but timing was wrong now has decided against going for another girl - and idk.. i dont wanna be totally pathetic.. (Song change - Chop Suey - System of a down) ya but I really like him.. and mayb i am just pathetic - any advice as to what i should do? :(

tonight church then tomoroo ---- churros in the morning, school, stay after to help with american idol, possibly play tennis, The Office, SCRUBS!!!!!! I am psyched for new scrubs :) although.. is it true we're only getting 11 episodes this season then? ..bummer.. Friday I've been given like 3 offers to hang out - one friend asked me if i would wanna hang out/do something, guy i like asked if i wuld wanna go to Skillet concert w/ him & his church, bff asked me to come to her house and we could try to shoot some more videos. So.. idk what I'm doing then yet. I guess if parents will allow (new song - Last Resort - Papa roach) i will go to the Skillet concert -they rock! But I have a feeling they will say no. :( Saturday I have hospital work in the morning, then idk another friend me to play tennis with her sometime.. well that won't happen Saturday I kno - she has prom. So i may hang w/ someone else.. or just go home and finally relax. Then that night I have a big Sweet Sixteen to go to and me and the friend first mentioned (okay had to take a break to look like i was working and you missed some good music! -wow i'm a dork- well, Fake It- Seether, BYOB - System of a down, and now Before I Forget - Slipknot) anyways me and the friend my hang out before the party, get ready and stuff (its formal) and ride there together. Don't know exactly how great that will go.

Last night I got some new movies to watch this week - Top Gun (seen it), Blade Runner ( i am excited to see it!), and some other movie with Harrison Ford that I have currently forgotten the name of.

Hopelessly Devoted (& looking for advice!),

Olive Cox