We want YOU!To be in my new fanfic. Only 4people will be chosen,How?? well I'll tell you now. PM me saying any name you want, and tell me some of that person's personal stuff like hobbies,fears,want,goals,attitude,and if the person has a crush on someone here. I will make 5 people and they will get mixed up with the other 4 people. I am proud to annonce ..........
Bleeding Kowawas VS. Killer Monkeys
Ike-The Very Stickful Person(boy)
Venus-The Intelligent One(girl)
Sally-The Over Sensitive One(girl)
Izz-The Izzster(boy)
Taco-Love's Tacos!(boy)
Their biographies will be posted tomorrow!
The contest is will be over this Friday.
The fanfic will start, that Saturday. just to let you know your not going to be saying wut u want but srry!