It's getting a little personal
by *jcap2002 on Comments
Wow, Passions was great today. I'm starting to really like Chris, but I think it's only because I don't think he's going to be around much longer. And Passions Vendetta is getting REALLY good. But, I'm a little concerned with how stupid Paloma, Simone and Jessica seem to be - well maybe not Jessica so much as the other two. Hello - the symbol, you dummies, is the Omega, which, depending on who's using it, can either be good or bad. Christ said "I am the Alpha and the Omega" - and yet, it's had ties to some satanic cults and other baddie groups. But overall, I can't wait to see what happens next. Which brings me to the "personal" that was in the title of this post. I have to have an MRI tomorrow afternoon for my left eye. Saturday, I noticed that it started acting a little funny, but it didn't really bother me. Sunday, it hurt a bit and my vision was a little blurry, but I put my glasses on and that seemed to help it. However, yesterday, it hurt a lot and I really couldn't see very well, so I went to the optometrist. They did all kinds of tests, and luckily it's nothing really to do with my eyes themselves - I don't have any retinal tearing or anything like that. However, that means that something else is causing my loss of vision. They did a peripheral vision test, and that came back kidn of funny - when they tested my left eye, I couldn't see anything on the right. So, I went to my family doctor so he could order an MRI for me. I'm starting to think it might be my blood pressure, which sucks. I've been VERY stressed out lately and I've not been in the best of health. Alas, I have that MRI tomorrow and then, next Monday, I have to go to a neural opthamologist (I think that's what he is) on the north side of town. Which means I have to miss my Spanish comp class - which I'm not too concerned about. So there's my lament for today. It's taken me about half an hour to write this entry, because I have to keep backspacing and stuff. Forgive any spelling mistakes, please. Current Music: "L'aigle Noir" by Patricia Kaas RANDOM PICTURE