i've been walking around all day convinced it was friday. dumb, huh. two days of school holidays and I'm already insane. although, i did spend 21 hours staring at a computer screen over the past three days. frickin work :? Although its not so bad, I just got paid. I'm going to Brisbane tomorrow, so money may just come in handy :P
So, I've picked up a non-school-related book for the first time all year...Lean Mean 13 by Janet Evanovich. Anyone read it? If not, I recommend. Funniest book ever :) And I went DVD shopping and finally got NCIS S3 :) I also got Young Guns 2, starring Kiefer Sutherland and William Peterson, but thats another story. Can I just say, Iam so confused by Heroes!! My brother brought me season1 from Uni... But the finale was cool, even though I had no idea what was happening.... love Milo
And I saw Fantastic Four II this arvo. Anybody seen it? I laughed the whole way through it, but I'm not sure it was a comedy :lol:
cant wait to watch Blades of Glory and Transformers!
Anyway, have a great day and enjoy the holidays if you're lucky enough to be on them (like me :D)
i'm going driving. fingers crossed i dont kill anyone!