First, an update, I'm on page 75 of the first "Seasons" screenplay. (Seasons is the name of the stuff I wrote, that I mentioned in the last blog. It's spinoff is "Laura")
But the point of this blog is quite different. It's about suicide.
There is nothing wrong with suicide. I want to make that clear. I've been there, I understand that feeling, and really, the last thing anybody needs to hear when they're already desperate enough to end their own life is that they're wrong for wanting that. That they're somehow less than other people. That this particular illness (depression) isn't a real disease.
Well yeah, it is. (If profanity was allowed, I just would have used it.)
Not all suicidal people are depressed. That's fine, too. Not all people who die from smoking have lung cancer.
Here are some stats that always throw me. These vary from area to area, but roughly 16 percent of people SERIOUSLY consider suicide before the graduate from high school. 14 percent have made a suicide plan.
This is a lot of people! This isn't a tiny little deal, here, a LOT of people are suicidal! But where's the representation? Suicide is just SO taboo that nobody talks about it! Buffy touched on it breifly at the start of season 6. Jonathan attempted it in season 3 (I always pretend it's Buffy talking to me in that bell tower. Jonathan's my name too.) but even then, as soon as she finds out he wants to kill himself, and not others, she's outta there, which is understandable... but she doesn't even give him another thought.
I remember an episode of 7th Heaven that dealt with a suicidal kid. I was so happy somebody was finally airing an episode of TV I could relate to. Nope, turns out the kid wasn't actually suicidal, just wanted attention. Well, that was useless.
More stats? Okay. In the last 50 years, suicide rates have TRIPLED in youths aged 15-24.
In Canada, 4000 people take their own lives a year. That's 11 a day. To put that in perspective, about 3100 people die from drunk drivers in Canada a year. Now think about how many ads you see for each of those.
For people aged 15-24 suicide is the LEADING cause of death. More than ANYTHING else.
Worldwide, suicide is responsible for more deaths than homicide and war.
But nobody knows this! It makes me so sick.
Now, I said that I don't think suicide is wrong. I don't. So why am I so upset more people aren't getting help? Because you can get past it. Although it never really *completely* goes away, you can be happy again. And that's better than dying. I will never, EVER, get mad at somebody for attempting, or commiting suicide. But I will do whatever I can to convince them not to until it's too late.
Joss's charity is Equality Now.
If I'm successful in becoming a writer, I'm going to do everything I can to up the awareness of suicide. Suicide Prevention will by my Equality Now.
It would have done me so much good to see a TV show deal with suicide. Or a movie. Or something. I had no idea that 16 percent of all people my age wanted the same thing. I'm gonna do my darndest (again with the profanity) to make get those stories out there.
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