Last night, I had a rather scary talk on MSN with one of my very close friends back home.
He, along with 3 of my other friends, were in a car. They were pulling out of the parking lot at one of their apartments. Well, the guy driving *almost* cut somebody off, accidentely. It happens. He screwed up.
Well, the truck he almsot cut off didn't take it so lightly. He followed them, leaning on his horn for 3-4 minutes. He pulled up beside them, and sideswiped them into on coming traffic, where they had a head-on collision.
My friend driving has a broken collarbone, but thankfully that's the worst injury. Everybody else came out of it with minor scrapes and bruises. I think the guy they hit head-on is in the hospital with spinal issues of some sort.
The jack*** that sideswiped them took off as soon as he hit them. Hopefully he gets caught. It's just ridiculous that some people are that messed up.
At what point did he have the thought, "Yes, this guy just about cut me off. Clearly he deserves to die. Not only that, but anybody in the car with him should die as well. To make this happen, I'm willing to sacrifice the lives of whoever happens to hit them."
Today's Thanksgiving in Canada. Today I'm thankful four of my friends aren't dead.