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*johnflynn Blog

Re-discovering Old Loves

Recently, I've found myself re-discovering old passions and interests.

Take for instance. I haven't been on this site for over a year and a half. I'd forgotten how much time I used to spend here, and how involved and passionate I got. My internet access varried alot due to changes in living arrangements, and I got involved in other things. Unlike when I live on campus at uni and I would spend time on here to entertain myself... and avoid uni work. Today I jumped on the internet to look up information on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (my housemate has recently become addicted... but that's another story), and re-found I've now spent the last 2 or so hours looking around and adding information/episodes/quotes etc to shows and people I used to edit all the time.

Another re-discovery has been Dawson's Creek, and in particular Joshua Jackson. I'd forgotten how cute he was! Still is, for that matter. A couple of weeks ago I was watching Scream 2 with my brother and cousin, and they commented that the movie was written (or directed or something) by the same guy who created Dawson's Creek. That comment, combined with the fact that Joshua Jackson is in Scream 2 left me with this great desire to watch Dawson's Creek again. So I've been watching it ever since and am now up to season 5. I admit it is not the greatest show in the world, but it is fun and rips off itself all the time - plenty of sly comments about teenage TV shows and teenage movies etc.

Back to Joshua Jackson. He was my first (and only) real 'high-school-girl-crush-on-famous-guy'. The one guy that I would cut out pictures of, and stick them to my walls - my one delve into the world of mad girly-girls. He is so cute! And Pacey (the character on DC) is very sweet and breaks my heart all the time (cause I want to give him a hug and tell him it will all be okay). I loved JJ in the Mighty Ducks movies and in DC.... he was never really in anything else.

It's always fun re-discovering things. It allows you to revisit simpler times, and to escape the mad "Adult World" I now live in. It's comforting, and no where near as stressful as discovering something new.... although I'm all for that too. But these things were things I was passionate about, and I seem to have lost that passion recently - I can't think of anything I'm passionate about.

Maybe I'll re-discover my passion for or maybe this will be the last you hear of me for another two years.

I'm Back!!!

I'm back.  I'm sure you're all thrilled to know that.

I'm about to start uni holidays (once I get my reports written) and that lasts until February.  And then, my next uni prac is in my home town.  Which basically means I'm at home until August of next year (2007). 

So, the point of this discussion/ blog/ rave is that I'm going to have lots and lots of time again to spend mucking around on this site.  I have finally managed to catch up Spicks and Specks (well, all the episodes are on there now!) and am planning on updating everything else very soon.

So be prepared.... my rants and raves are set to return!  I'm sure you've all missed them greatly. :D

Out Of It

I've been a little out of it lately, and the tv show I edit has gotten rather behind (August 2nd was the last one, but I haven't added other info for a lot of them).  I just haven't had the time to spare to sit on the net and edit and add.  I've been rather busy with work and uni and doing placements.... and basically having a life.  One day I will get the chance to sit down and rewatch episodes and update this thing... but I can't see it happening for at least another week, if not more.

I've been feeling a little guilty about it.  I've such a respect for, and love of, the shows and people I edit, and I'd like to keep them up-to-date.  But when there's only one of me doing it most of the time, it takes awhile.  Oh well.  In the end there is nothing I can do about it.  My access to the internet is limited, and so is my spare time.  And, quite frankly, I'd rather watch the show than worry about adding information to this site!

So if anyone was wondering what had happened to me (which I'm sure is the centre of everyone's concerns), I'm just a little busy and a little out of it.

Oh for the quiet life!

Buffy and Angel

I'm home on holidays, so I am doing my usuall "catch up on television and movies and dvds" thing.  I've been watching old episodes of Buffy and Angel these holidays - between my brother and I we nearly own both series. 

No matter what anyone says, I enjoy these shows.  They've got great scripting, good story lines, and plenty of twists to keep you guessing.  I've seen all of the Buffy eps before, so they are nothing new, but I have been watching Angel seasons 3 and 4 for the first time (haven't got to/ bought yet the 5th season).  And it's good.  I keep thinking I had it sorted, and then something new will happen.  And I think back and go "oh yeah.  Should have seen that back when they did...". 

I'm a Joss Whedon fan.  He is a great writer and a great creator.  I'd just like to state that for the record, although a lot of people already know it.

So say what you like, I'm going to go back and enjoy the rest of season 4.  Oooooh.  Evil Cordy. :twisted:

Exam Cram

I'm studying for exams this week, and my brain is fried.  I cannot think straight.  I am just sooo over it all.  The exam is in two days.... less than, really cause the exam is on Wednesday morning, and it's (just) Monday afternoon now. 

And it is freexing cold at the moment.  Okay, so not freezing cause I live in Townsville, which is in North Queensland, bt it is cold.  As a general rule, I like cold weather - in a central to north Queensland type way.  But I am having trouble studying when its cold.  It is really windy at the moment too - which means sitting in the sun doesn't help.

Anyway, back on the subject of exams, I'm feeling half prepared, half completely freeked out.  Hopefully I will do okay - hanging out here isn't helping things though!

But I get to go home in 3 days.  Yay!!!  Home is in central Queensland - a small country town (Well, not tiny, but definately not big).  I love it there.  My parents are away at the moment, so my brother is home alone.  I swear the only thing he knows how to cook is nachos, so I am going home to look after him.  And to relax and chill out (and try and get a job to earn some money).

But before that happens, I have to pass this exam.  And to do that, I have to study.  AND to do that I have to stop hanging out here....


I have beome editor for Toni Lamond's page.  Toni is a legendary Australian enertainer - very big in the world of theatre and cabaret.

I have loved her since she was Ruth in The Pirates of Pinzace with Jon English.

Being Australian

It turned into a bit of a rant.  I warn you now!

I have been feeling very patriotic this week.  I'm not entirely sure why.  Just one of those things.  I have been listening to a lot of Australian songs - songs on Australia and on being Australian.  Things like "I am Australian" and "I still call Australia home" and "I come from a land Down Under" to  name a few.  Lots of country stuff thrown in too, and some comedy (Scared Weird Little Guys and Tripod).  But not only am I listening to Aussie music, I've been looking up Aussie poems and verses too.  And there's some weird and wonderful stuff out there:  "Caught between Beverly Hills 90210 and the great Australian dream." - Graeham Conners "I come from the dream time, from the dusty red soil planes"- I am Australian "The medical profession call it green and gold malaria" - Robert McCall "What's this rash that comes and goes, can you tell me what it means? God help me, I was only 19" - John Schuman "Come to Australia: You might accidently get killed" - Scared Weird Little Guys "If you think this song isn't culturally significant, this dude defied physics - in your face!" - Tripod I'll share some more later on. (even though I doubt anyone actually reads my rants.)

Anyway, this whole thing, it is really quite odd.  I mean, if it was around ANZAC day or Australia Day, it might all make a bit more sense.  But it's not.  It's June!  I'm going through a phase.  But it's been making me think...

I love being Australian, and am fiercly proud of it.  Always will be.  I lived in Malaysia for a year as an exchange student.  And I can gaurentee by the time I left everyone was sick of hearing about Oz.  I'd see something from Australia, and would have to point it out.  I wasn't doing it conciously, and did stop/slow down after about 6 months, but I think that year away made me realise just how proud and patriotic I am. And I will defend my country and my culture to the death.  Not that I am going to join the army or anything...

I have been in a few fierce debates on the forums recently, and unfortunately they have turned into a bit of an anti-America thing.  Not on purpose!  It just makes me sad when I look around and see so many of our words and our ways disappearing and being taken over by things from America.  (listen to me - I sound like an old timer!).  I mean, for crying out loud - they bought out Vegemite.  Vegemite!!! Who else on the planet eats it?  And UGH boots!  I cringe everytime I open a magazine and see UGH boots on people in the day time, on the catwalk, at premiers.  It's just wrong!!!

I will always be Australian.  Even if I travel the world.  Always.  And so, I will go back to my Aussie music (some good ol' Slim at the moment- that's just plain sad) and my Aussie verses, and remain imensly proud.  And I will just wait for this fiercly patriotic phase to die down a bit.

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda, who'll come a-waltzing Matilda with me?

Quote for the week

/day/however often I decide to add a quote/thought:

"No life is a waste.  The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone." ~ The five people you meet in heaven.

Odd Week

My week's been a little odd.  I had a group presentation for uni Monday, and another on Tuesday at 7am!!! :shock: It's not good.  I wouldn't reccomemnd it.  Although it did get it out of the way! 

But since about 12pm Tuesday, I haven't had any classes.  Or any uni work.  And yet, I don't know what's happened to the last 2 1/2 days.  I have been so unorganised and haven't got a thing done.  I was meant to organise practice for my band this week, but it got to Thursday and I realised I hadn't done it.  So I spent about 1/2 an hour on the phone tonight trying to find a time to suit everyone.  It couldn't be done.  So now we are rehearsing Saturday at 11am without our piano player.  Guess it's karma for not having done anything earlier. :oops:

My Cop Show Addiction

This week I have been looking at a lot of the pages for shows I used to watch.  As apposed to studying because who would do that?  Anyway, somehow I stumbled across the Stingers page.  Wow.  Did that bring back a lot of memories.  Stingers was an important stage in my cop-show addiction.

When I was younger - 7 or 8 or something - I used to watch The Bill and Heartbeat with my parents.  That was my introduction to cop shows and dramas.  I loved them (haven't watched them for years cause they went really bad).  Didn't always understand them, and probably bugged the hell out of my parents by asking questions, but still.  They were important nights in our family - my brother and my parents and I sitting around watching British cop shows.  We still do when I am home, but these days it's Diel and Pasco, A Touch of Frost, and Midsomer Murders.  We have also watched Morse, Silent Witness and Johnathan Creek.  All brilliant shows.

From that British beginning, I moved onto Water Rats and Stingers.  I started watching them in the holidays one year, and so when school went back I would have to tape them to watch the next day - my parents had a "no tv after 6" rule.  I loved Water Rats and Stingers. For many many years.  But then Water Rats was cancelled.  I was very upset.  Stingers went bad not long after and I stopped watching it.   I can't stand it when they bugger up shows: an important character leaves; or they over-dramatise personal lives.  Anyway, they were the last good Australian cop shows.  I did like Young Lions and White Collar Blue, but they didn't last.

These days, I get my "fix" from the American cop shows - particularly anything by Jerry Bruckhiemer, and the Law and Orders. 

But, good as they may be, I don't think any police show can measure up to the British ones.  There is just something in the pommy way of looking at issues that I like.

That's my thought, well ramble, for the day anyway.  In case someone was interested.

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