No Disapointment yet!
by *jojo86angel on Comments
All the shows have been back now for a while and they all have been really good. most shows i watch are on the WB and i like most of them. the one thing that bugged me about this season's lineup is that they had a new show called "Just Legal" after "7th Heaven". now ok 7th heaven has been on for 10 season's now and it is a family show so i would think a family show would go with it not a legal show. but i am so glad now i think it got cancelled because it just did not fit with the WB lineup at all even if they switched it to a different day. but the new shows that i really do like are Related, and Supernatural. i love the theme song for related because it is so true about sisters! then i also like Supernatural, now i usually do not like this type of show but i do like this one because it is a new adventure every week. but also One Tree Hill has come back and that still has never diapointed me. then Gilmore Girls which is my favorite show i love it but i hate that rory is not in school now nad that her and Loralei are not speaking. grr it all makes me mad about Rory and Loralei are not speaking because they are like best friends. i am just hoping that they start speaking soon and Rory goes back to yale and breaks up with Logan because i cannot stand him or his family. now onto Everwood it is very good still and i LOVE Amy's new hairstyle. another show i have kinda gotten into is "Commander In Chief" i love that it's about a woman that became president! i am praying that in the next presidential elections a Woman does become president! anyways that is all for my review on shows for now!