I regret that I haven't been keeping up with my presidential hopefuls recently and I have many mixed emotions on who I will be voting for. I will definitely vote Democrat but that's all I'm sure about so far.
I am a woman, a black woman, and I identify with both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. The Clintons in the past, have reigned over the US during a time when the economy was booming and everyone was satisfied.Over the last few years though, it seems as if Hillary has been playing the game harder than any man in office has ever done. She seems as if she can be a flip-flopper and out to appease those who can better her career. I respect what she has done and accomplished in the recent years but is she ready for the big house? I don't know. She seems to have great agendas, but I don't know if she'll be able to get the respect from other countries, our allies, and even our own government. I hope to see her willing to say what she means and not say what sounds good.
Barack Obama, on the other hand, kind of just appeared and has this charisma that makes people want to hear what he has to say. I admit, I was afraid that the American public wasn't ready for a black president, but he's been doing really well in getting his ideas out there and attracting all types of voters. He doesn't seem like he has been stained by politics yet like the other candidates but that may be a downfall. I read his agenda and I believe he has the best plan, thus far, on how to get America back on track after this disaster we've had with this president. I hope that his inexperience or seemingly innocent nature doesn't become his downfall.
I am sick and tired of worrying about whether or not I'll be able to retire, I'm tired of paying all my hard earned money to health insurance companies, and I'm really terribly sick of the price of gas amongst other commodities. This war was a mistake from the beginning and I'm ready for our troops to come home and live their lives instead of endangering them for something that was a lie. I wish we could've impeached the Bush/Cheney clan a long time ago because so many things have gone wrong with them in office. I just don't know what will happen but I'm certainly ready for change.