OMG. I just survived a whole weekend without any possibility to access the internet. Trust me when I say I was kickin' and screamin' the first few hours and then I settled for silent sulking the rest of the time for my DSL just wouldn't budge not even for a friggin minute of pure online bliss...ah keep breathing. Nah I'm not holding a grudge. Maybe it was even for the better because too much stuff to do in definitely too less time.
Right now I'm sitting admist a dozen of banana-cardboards with all my stuff neatly packed, my arm muscles are sore from moving up and down and down and up (don't think dirty of me now just keep reading)...and I am still high from all the wall paint fumes (see nuttin' dirty at all :D).
Yeah, my stuff is packed, hopefully the last "Farewell" shots emptied and many hugs gladly received and given. Tomorrow is the big day where I lose one key and get a shiny new one. Hope there won't be any problems because I'm running on a tight schedule here.
So don't think I'm not keen on posting anymore with you guys when I'm a bit quiet within this week. That won't happen any time soon, I really missed just after one day of not being able to visit the site. I so hope the W-LAN thingy is working in my new home. Two more weeks before I start my new job and I'm excited excited excited (read it with some melody and you get just how excited I am) But no fun without some work first and the thing I dread the most next to pack all my stuff is to unpack it again. It will probably take me days just to sort through my media collection.
And I sure hope my parents don't mind me planning to unload at least half of it in their attic for a start. No way I can take all of it with me right now, first I need to settle down and then I can look unhurriedly and without any stress for a bigger flat that can hold all my precious belongings. Probably won't take me any longer than a few years to afford a bigger place ;) better not share that fact with my parents too soon. They're still a bit mad about the stuff I crammed their attic with when I moved out for college. But it's so freakin hard to throw stuff out or give it away. And I love my books; I plan to have my very own library some day.
Okay, just wanted to make sure you now I'm not a deserter or anything like that and I hope it won't take me long to be back and posting again. I'll try to make up for the days to come and post like crazy tonight. After my extended cold online turkey I sure have to catch up a bit.
See you all later :D