So it's the start of the sembreak. No more classes. No more assignments. I should be shouting "I'm free (for at least two weeks)!" at the top of my lungs but noooooooooooooooo. The word "thesis" is lurking at the back of my head. Gah.
Anyhow, it's been four weeks since the start of the Fall lineup. So far none of my usual shows have disappointed me. The new shows however...
Bionic Woman - I read somewhere that it was like a cross between Smallville and Alias. I'm thinking its true. The pilot was interesting enough to keep me tuning in week after week, and right now I guess I still don't know if I'm going to continue watching it or not.
Moonlight - The pilot sucked. The episode after the pilot sucked (plus Mick was incredibly stupid). The third episode was a whole lot better. I just hope the next one won't be a big turn off, or as interested as I am with vampires, I'm going to drop this show.
Women's Murder Club - I recently posted a review about the pilot. Anyhow, the first thing that caught my attention was Angie Harmon. I know her from Law and Order as ADA Abbie Carmichael and I thought she was great in that role. I wasn't surprised that she was cast as a homicide detective, I think it suits her just right. She's still a little awkward with holding a gun, but I'm sure she'll get used to it.
There. It's already 9am here, and I'm awake considering I slept at around 4am. Darn body clock. I'm going back to bed.