Anyway...There's this dog called Ty at my local cat and dog shelter and I'm desperate to have him! He's £80 I wish I had it!! I mean I know we have Casp but I want something that's mine...Casp doesnt feel like mine cos Keith had him before I moved in and he just doesn't feel like mine...I used to think that the kind of dog I would want would be a little one that celebraties carry round in there purses but no it turned out to be a 6month old rottwieler called Ty he's great...he's cute, boystrous, he's just so fun!!I want him!!! When he went to cuddle his paws proper went round my neck thats how tall he was...he'd obviously get bigger but thats fine!! I want him!!!!!! It upsets me not being able to have him...I just really want him...I wish there was something I could do to get him!!!
Well I got some new glasses they'll be ready in about 10 days there lovely...my dad paid for them...I wish he would pay for Ty :( but anyway my glasses are fab...I would try and put a pic on here but I don't know how too....if someone tells me how too I will :)
Anyway I'm going...I didnt get the job by the way....but Meh who needs it!!
Bye xx