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OK Day I guess ...

As you can see from the title it was an OK day.  Didn't have any desire to get out of bed at all today.  Bus ride to school was boring as heck!  All these 6 graders on my bus who think they are so cool but in reality are retarded little rich kids who have no idea what is happening in anything that doesn't include themselves so you can see why I don't enjoy the bus as much.  Had music where I watched Stomp and found out I have the worst group for our stomp project well not as bad just one person makes it terrible.  Gym were it was cold outside then math which you know isn't a picnic in the park ... Took TWO quizzes and half of the questions didn't make one bit of sense.  Spanish time where I had to stuck in a room where popular kids overrule.  History and Science weren't that bad besides this really annoying dumb rich kid who is so conceted but all he could talk about was how mad that Rupublicans lost control of the House and most likely the Senate.  It's hard as a Democrat/Indep. as I am to listen to all of his C !2 @ p.  Another bus ride oh joy!  Finally home where I watched parts of Cruel Intentions bascially Josh Jackson's scences and some other.  Josh was hilarious as a gay blonde boy.  Him filling his nails will forever crack me up.  That reminds me I have to watch What I Like About You tonight which a recorded. 

Tomorrow looks better because Supernatural is on.

Adios mis amigos!