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Survey and I found the song!

When did you start watching Supernatural?
Season 2 Premier then I started to watch season 1 on youtube
What made you want to watch it?                                    

Not really sure what made me watch it.  It was on after Smallville which I couldn't really get into and I think just  watched the premier and loved it.

Who is your favourite character?
I love Sam and Dean but Dean a little more

What is your favourite episode/s?
Home and Faith

What is your least favourite episode/s?
Not sure haven't seen all

Who was your least favourite character they ran into?
Not sure

What is your favourite quote?
"That softener teddy bear ... oh I'm hunt that little b-tch down!"-Dean

Evil Dean? or Evil Sam?
Evil Dean

John or Sam?
Demon or Meg?
Who?  Haven't watched many of the episodes
Huge freaky knife or shot gun?
Shot gun!!!!!

Have any of you seen the commercial for Flicka?  Well that song is Gone So Young by Amver Pacific and I swore I knew it because I could say that words before it said them in the commericial.  I was so excited that I ran around for like a hour at 10 PM around my basement practicially jumping off the walls.

Today after school I'm going to the volleyball game because a lot of friends are on it and I haven't been to one.  Then after I have another 3 day weekend!  We have only had 4 days week for the past month it's so exciting.