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*kimberly2720 Blog

Grrr of the Week

(**This is just me venting my frustration...sorry if it offends.)

Okay, so my Grrr for this week (and maybe many weeks) is people who post reviews and don't bother to proofread, check the characters' names, or worst of all--imply that they know what all viewers want.   Just today, I was reading several reviews of one of my fave shows.  It gave me such a headache I had to lie down!  Good Lord, people!  An example of this problem:  there are no characters on Grey's Anatomy named "Danny" or "Lizzy"!!!! (<< it's Denny & Izzie)   I mean, come on, if you don't even know the characters, should you really be writing reviews????  Also, people making comments such as "none of the viewers want to see this".  Excuse me???  Who elected you to speak for us all?  I for one waited an entire year to see Meredith and Derek together....  Hopefully I'm not alone, but either way, I would never presume to say that "all viewers want to see this".  So, as the great Mike Straka would say:  "Grrr to all the Obliviots out there!"

UPN and WB merger?

This merger totally worries me. Not that I think they will scrap any of the really good shows (gilmore, veronica mars, etc), but for a few other reasons.... One: that they will move them around too much! Our viewing schedules are crowded enough, thank you, and I hate that I will have to "find" all my shows at different times, days, etc. Two: the Powers-That-Be will not be the same, so what's to keep them from changing/adding writers, producers, etc?? How will this affect our fave shows?? Three: the buzz is that they may also "sell-off" some shows to other random networks. so then what?? Some of us may not even have access to the other networks! Hopefully, as they figure out the new "merged" network, most of these fears will be laid to rest, but, until then..... grrr