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The Duel Academy Championship - Chapter 13 (Part 3)

The final part in the duel between Yugi and Jake. Enjoy.

Chapter 13

"What do you mean that you may win?" asked Yugi.

"Remember how your Slifer was destroyed when you destroyed my Dark Sparkman and you lost life points equal to his attack points. If you attack and destroy my Dark Sparkman's then you lose and your god cards get destroyed." said Jake.

"What?!" said Yugi. "It seems that my god cards have been defeated. Good job, but they aren't the only cards in my deck!"

"I am guessing that it is my turn." said Jake.

"Not yet." said Yugi. "I will set one card face down and end."

"My go." said Jake has he drew. "I activate my card destruction. Now we both give up our hands and draw new cards equal too the amount of cards we previously had in our hand. Now I activate my Polymerization to fuse my Dark Avian and Dark Burstinatrix to create E-Hero Dark Flame Wingman. Now I activate my Dark Miracle Fusion. I remove from play my Dark Flame Wingman and my Dark Sparkman from the graveyard to summon my E-Hero Dark Shadow Wingman. Now he gains 300 attack points for each Dark E-hero in my graveyard. Hero roll call!"

Dark E-hero's in the grave yard: E-Hero Dark Avian (2), Dark Burstinatrix, Dark Bubbelman, Dark Clayman, Dark Sparkman, Dark Wildheart, and Dark Nekros.

"So he gets a boost of 2400, giving him a grand total of 4900 points. Now I special summon another Dark Bubbelman. And since he was special summoned I get too draw 2 cards and I get too add one Hailstorm to my hand. Now I activate that Hailstorm and it destroys all monsters on your side of the field." said Jake.

"Not so fast." said Yugi. "I activate my Magic Jammer. I give up one card from my hand and I get to negate the effect of a magic card and I choose to stop your Hailstorm."

"Fine. I will activate my Dark Laser and I will equip it onto my Dark Shadow Wingman. Now he gets a 1000 more points and any monster he attacks is removed from play. Attack and destroy the Winged Dragon of Ra, Dark Shadow Wingman!" said Jake.

'I activate my Negate Attack. Now your attack is stopped and you end your battle phase." said Yugi.

"Then I set one card face down and end." said Jake.

Yugi drew his card and got a grin on his face. "I activate Card of Sanctity. Now we both draw until we have 6 cards in our hand."

They both drew their cards and then Yugi got another grin on his face.

"You put up a good fight but it looks like I win. I activate my Monster Reborn. Now come back my Slifer the Sky Dragon. Now I combine my Slifer and ra with Obelisk to make his attack points infinite!" said Yugi.

Jake knew he had lost.

"Now, Obelisk, attack and destroy that Dark Shadow Wingman!" said Yugi.

Jake was hit and he fell the the ground. 'That didn't feel like a hologram. It felt like I was in a Shadow game'

Jake's life points: 0

"That was a good duel and a close one. You have proven yourself worthy." said Yugi.

"For what?" asked Jake.

"I will tell you in a minute, but first lets get off of here." said Yugi.

They went into the part of the train below them and right when they got in Jaden woke up.

"What is going on?" asked Jaden sleepily.

"Good, both of you are here. I am here to help you with the evil that has entered this tournament. It seems that he has the power to control people if he beats them in a duel and if he could beat Kaiba then we are delaing with a powerful person." said Yugi.

"We thought the same thing." said Jake.

"Now it is time to explain what I said earlier. I have been looking for two very good duelist too do something for me. I would have selected one of you two and Zane but seeing has Zane has changed a lot since he started his career, I couldn't pick him. So I selected the both of you." said Yugi.

"So what do you need us to do?" asked Jaden, who was now wide awake.

Yugi handed Jake Obelisk the Tormentor and Jaden Slifer the Sky Dragon.

"What are you doing!?" yelled Jake. "These are the strongest cards in Duel Monsters and you are just giving them to us!?"

"Yes I am. These cards are no longer safe with one person, so I am giving each of you one to hold. Don't let anyone take it. If these cards fall into the wrong hands then we will have more problems." said Yugi.

"Sweet!" said Jaden.

"Now don't missuse these cards and know that when these cards are summoned, they are no hologram, they are the real deal and anyone who is attacked by them will feel a lot of pain." said Yugi. "Now why don't we all get some sleep. I will explain the rest tomorrow when everyone is awake."

He walked out and walked back to his room.

Jake and Jaden continued to look at their new cards and then they both added them to their decks.

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