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and you thought it was over ch3

When Sharpay finished singing she remembered why she was there. Today was Chad's birthday.  Suddenly a load of balloons fell on top of her. She started to laugh. She stepped off the stage and stood with Jason. He picked up a balloon and bopped her on the head. Then she did the same to him. Before she knew it they were running around the room hitting each other with balloons. Sharpay tripped and knocked him over and she was laying on top of him their faces were only inches apart.

Sharpay wanted to get up and run but something inside her told her not to. She leaned foward and their lips met. Suddenly a thought came inside her head. I'm kissing Jason, I can't kiss Jason not when I love Troy. She stood up.

"I've gotta go." She ran out the door and ran back to her apartment.

She called Gabby to tell her what happened.

"I'm going to the beach tomorrow to think. If anyone asks you don't know where I am. I think i will write some songs."Sharpay told her.

"Okay I won't tell anyone."

The next day she woke up early and drove to the beach. She sat and thought and wrote and about lunch time she was sitting alone andd she felt a chill go down her back. Then she realized it wasn't a chill it was water. Someone had sprayed her with a squirt gun.  She turned around and saw Jason. HE sprayed ehr right in the face.

"That's not nice."

"Wellthen I guess I'm not a nice person."

"I've been writing songs. you want to here them. I can't sing them but i can read them to you."


"Okay the first one is for my mom.

You know i try to be all that i can but there's a part of me i still don't understand why do i only see what i don't have." she continued the  song.

"why's that for your mom?"

"just because."


"the next song is for someone else i can't tell you who.When i'm in a crowd or on an island by myself silent or too loud wish that i was someone else then i can't beleive you hit me fast and hard when you turnto me and say never change the way youare"