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*kiwiroustie Blog

At last - I have seen them all!!!!

Yes, I finally received the last 4 episodes and , after a curly moment where I thought my DVD player was going to reject the disc, managed to watch them last night. I am VERY pleased to say that my childhood memory DIDN"T let me down and the memorable episode that I had remembered was one of the 4 - Murphy's law, out of 52 episodes, it was the 51st that I saw!!! Still, it was worth the wait. After having seen all the episodes, it still remains my favourite after, what I have worked out, must be about 24 years since I last saw it as an 8/9 year old when it was rerun in 1981. The episode in question is " The Horsebreaker" and, as I remembered, was very much an " Albert" vehicle. I always seemed to remember his episodes the most - I guess, becaues he was the most interesting character for me. I always felt Kevin/Vicky/Jenny were always a little too good to be true. Ned, well, I never really took to him - felt he had too much of a chip on his shoulder but, with Albert, well, he was a loveable rogue - what my mother would call " All Boy"! Mischievous, always getting into trouble of some kind but not inherently bad at all - just a normal boy. You could always be assured of humour in his episodes and, frankly, I felt that, out of all the children, he was the better actor which, I guess made him all the more believable for me. Anyway, it's great to have all these episodes in my collection and I will now get around to completing the synopsis' on here as well as reviewing some more episodes. I will also continue to update " The Adeventures of Black Beauty" IMDb site as well with all the guest appearances. I am SURE there are people out there, similarly to me, who wanted to find out information about this treasure from their childhood but were frustrated re the lack of information available on the internet so I HOPE that by providing this information, it will inspire more people to pressurise the distributors and get more then the 11 " Best of" episodes released.

Updating pictures

Well, I am trying to figure this out still although I think I am wee bit closer to doing this. I certainly am learning a lot about the Internet on here. I am amazed that there is no website, official or unofficial, for this show. I am sure the actors who appeared in it all those years ago, and the audience who enjoyed it, would appreciate it and I think its great to have somewhere for people to check out information for research or just reminiscence purposes. I am seriously thinking about setting up a website myself. Need to have a crash course on web building first though!! As I feel most fans would come from the UK I think it might be an idea to have a UK contact as well to help maintain the site and forum. Anyway, that's a plan for the future. Ok, back to the intro of the show to see if my update succeeded. If I successfully managed to add a picture that will be a breakthrough indeed!!

More updates

Well, I have now found some photos - some tht I have scanned off of videos and others that I found...elsewhere. Anyway, woudl love to add them tot he site but have not figured out how to do this as yet. IF anyoen has any ideas....please let me know!!! And I will get them added asap. 4 extra episodes have not arrived as yet. Suffice to say as soon as they do, I will be on here writing a review. There was one particular episode that was memorable from my childhood. Murphys' Law, I have now rewatched 48 episodes and it wasn't one of them! Therefore, I am hoping that it is one of the 4 - well, it has to be! Unless of course, my recollection has been warped at all. I mean, I was very young, had a vivid imagination ( still do) and would make up stories myself featuring my favourite characters. It's highly conceivable that my recollection is more a result of this than what I remember seeing. Still, hopefully, I will know soon....!


Well, I have been enjoying updating all the information on this site. I still have 4 episodes to add synopsis' to but will get these down as soon as I have seen them. In the meantime, I have been updaing the IMDb for Black Beauty to include as many of the guest artistes as I can. I will, also, get around to reviewing all the episodes that I have not doen as yet but I think that will be quite timne consuming so will need a rainy day! I have still not confirmed what happened to Tony Maiden, if indeed, he has passed away. I have not been able to determine who added the date of death to his profile on here. If I could find out who this is I could at least find out where they got their informaiton as I have not been able to find out anything via extensive internet searches. If anyone reading this has any ideas, please do let me know. I live in hope that the informnation is incorrect but will have to leave it there until I hear otherwise.

Further update

Well as you can probably tell from all the updates I have been adding as Editor of Black Beauty - I now have almost all the episodes. I am just short of 4 now ( the dvd they were sent on wouldn't read on my machine) so, hopefully, now that they have been recopied and are on their way, I will be able to add synopsis' shortly. I have really enjoyed rediscovering this wonderful show and look forward to seeing the last 4 episodes. I guess I will go through a period of mourning after that as I will have revisited a happy period of my past and it will only remain for me to rewatch them. Still, I hope that by writing the synopsis' it will reawaken other peoples memories and inspire them to rediscover this show as well.


Well some ( but not much!) progress has been made in the search. After getting nowhere contacting distributors etc as to when or even if we can expect more epsiodes, I have done my fair share of trawlign websites to see if I can find any of the old VHS epsiodes that were released in the early 1990's. As you would expect, most have been deleted but I was fortuante enough to find a copy of " The Ciking Helmet" Parts 1 and 2 on Amazon which I subsequently ordered and am awaiting arrivial of from the UK. I have also put out a search for another VHS that contained a further 4 episodes - one of which appears on the Best of DVD. Still, that is a potential extra 5 episodes, 2 for definite, since my last entry so I guess I can't complain too much! Still I would LOVE to get all the episodes somehow for posterity but, as far as I can ascertain, only certain episodes were ever released and I think I may well be at the limit of what is and ever was available. I guess I am now at the mercy of the distributors and whether they think it is commercially viable to release them all. We shall see....


Why do Production companies tease you by only releasing a couple of episodes on DVD of a classic show? Methinks it is to test the water to see if there is enough interest before going to the expense of putting Box sets together but I find it INCREDIBLY frustrating that it's almost impossible to get hold of full seasons of shows that you remember as a child and want to show to your children too. I refer to the original " Black Beauty" which was aired from 1972 - 1974. I LOVED this show yet it took until 2001 for a "Best of" dvd to be released which only contains 11 of the original 53 episodes made. 4 years later and there is no sign of any further releases. I am SURE there would be many of my generation who would love to see the show in its entirety again to recapture part of their childhood but, also to show to their children because of the timeless nature of the show. I really would love to see this again...sigh...