At last - I have seen them all!!!!
by *kiwiroustie on Comments
Yes, I finally received the last 4 episodes and , after a curly moment where I thought my DVD player was going to reject the disc, managed to watch them last night. I am VERY pleased to say that my childhood memory DIDN"T let me down and the memorable episode that I had remembered was one of the 4 - Murphy's law, out of 52 episodes, it was the 51st that I saw!!! Still, it was worth the wait. After having seen all the episodes, it still remains my favourite after, what I have worked out, must be about 24 years since I last saw it as an 8/9 year old when it was rerun in 1981. The episode in question is " The Horsebreaker" and, as I remembered, was very much an " Albert" vehicle. I always seemed to remember his episodes the most - I guess, becaues he was the most interesting character for me. I always felt Kevin/Vicky/Jenny were always a little too good to be true. Ned, well, I never really took to him - felt he had too much of a chip on his shoulder but, with Albert, well, he was a loveable rogue - what my mother would call " All Boy"! Mischievous, always getting into trouble of some kind but not inherently bad at all - just a normal boy. You could always be assured of humour in his episodes and, frankly, I felt that, out of all the children, he was the better actor which, I guess made him all the more believable for me. Anyway, it's great to have all these episodes in my collection and I will now get around to completing the synopsis' on here as well as reviewing some more episodes. I will also continue to update " The Adeventures of Black Beauty" IMDb site as well with all the guest appearances. I am SURE there are people out there, similarly to me, who wanted to find out information about this treasure from their childhood but were frustrated re the lack of information available on the internet so I HOPE that by providing this information, it will inspire more people to pressurise the distributors and get more then the 11 " Best of" episodes released.