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Well, I have been enjoying updating all the information on this site. I still have 4 episodes to add synopsis' to but will get these down as soon as I have seen them. In the meantime, I have been updaing the IMDb for Black Beauty to include as many of the guest artistes as I can. I will, also, get around to reviewing all the episodes that I have not doen as yet but I think that will be quite timne consuming so will need a rainy day! I have still not confirmed what happened to Tony Maiden, if indeed, he has passed away. I have not been able to determine who added the date of death to his profile on here. If I could find out who this is I could at least find out where they got their informaiton as I have not been able to find out anything via extensive internet searches. If anyone reading this has any ideas, please do let me know. I live in hope that the informnation is incorrect but will have to leave it there until I hear otherwise.