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*kprsfan Blog

Class Registration

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Registering for classes is such a nightmare right now! For any of you that don't go to Ohio University, they completely changed the way that classes are enrolled in online. Instead of the old system, they switched it out for a new sucky system that involves a shopping cart! I hate it!Yell

To the Victims of This Season's Tornado Outbreaks

As I watch the news lately, I've been seeing more and more destruction as towns have been decimated and families destroyed. To all of the families affected by these storms I would like to send my heart and prayers out to you. God Bless All You!

Good God It's Been An Interesting Two Weeks!

These two weeks have probably been the most historical ever! Not only did we get to see the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, but we were hit with a major tornado outbreak, Endeavor's launch was canceled, and Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind 9/11 was FINALLY captured and killed! All I can say is god bless Will and Kate and their marriage, god bless all of the families affected by the tornados in the south, and god bless the service men and women of the armed forces for doing what they do. Good night and GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So since this is the first time I've updated my blog in like 3 years let alone logged in, I guess I should let anybody who has taken the time to read this blog what I've been up to for the past 3 years. In 2009, a fellow bandmate of mine, Nick Byers, died tragically in his sleep, a month before he was due to graduate. I haven't been the same again, and I still have trouble coping with it. My sister graduated from high school that year, and later that year, I marched with the Liberty Union Marching Lions, as a senior, as a part of one of the best marching seasons the band has ever known. We went an entire season undefeated in our class, took home some overall grand champion trophies, and got superior ratings across the board at state competition. Later that school year, I graduated as a member of the Liberty Union Class of 2010. I am currently in the LU Alumni Band, and I have taken my education further by enrolling at Ohio University. There, I have been taking an active role inorganizations such as the Ohio University College Democrats and the OU Little Monsters. Aside from that, I also take part in the Ohio University Concert Band. That's pretty much what my life has come to. Thanks for reading. Smile

Rising Anticipations!

Yikes! Summer's here! I know before, I was sooo extremely happy that summer is here but now it's killing me just thinking that Band Camp is coming up! The only good thing that could possibly come out of this is that I finally will get passed down my candle during the Senior Candle Light Ceremony! What humbles me most about that is that, for the first time, this year a senior will pass down the candle to a sibling. As far as I know, this has never been done before, and I get to be the recipient of that so called honor! :D


I'm majorly depressed now! The 3rd Season of Bones is over and I have nothing good to watch now! I'm still pretty upset they got rid of Zach the way did too! If they were going to get rid of him why couldn't they just kill him instead of putting his name in the mud like that! It was an awsome episode! And I especially loved the beginning where Brennan punched Booth in the face! But I just think they should of gotten rid of Sweets instead of Zach!:?

School's Out!

Thank the Lord! School's finally out! I thought I might go insane if school lasted any longer! Now the only thing I'm most concerned about now is Band Camp! :D

I Miss Kim and Ron!

Augh! Lately my life has been so boring! Without Kim Possible, there's nothing for me to do! I miss Kim and Ron sooo much! :(


OMG! Last night my marching band and I competed against numerous class AA, A, B, and C bands at Watkins Memorial. Overall we placed second and for the first time in decades, my band has gotten a superior rating! We'll soon participate in states!


OMG! School is starting tomorrow and I'm totally not ready! I just got back from a 2 week vacation and I've only had a one day break! This means I'll totally be pissed in the morning!:(
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