god im so angry right now!
im angry that i have a massive english assignment due next week, and i have only just started and it's really really hard
im angry that i cant blame anyone that ive left it this late
im angry that its a public holiday and i cant go anywhere so i wont have to do my english assignment
im angry i keep on pressing the caps lock button by accident
im angry i have the pokemon theme song stuck in my head (wtf?)
im angry i just pressed caps lock again
im angry that i have to go to school tomorrow
im angry my weekend has been wasted by going on a stupid holiday i didnt want to go on
im angry that one of my goldfish is dying! (i called them elliot and olvia (zap!) and elliot is dying :|)
im angry my mum doesnt believe that im not doing my english assignment and she keeps on coming in to check if im doing it, which im not
im angry the neighbours are mowing their lawn or something and they never do it but they have to do it now when i need to concentrate
im angry i dont have the self control to sit down and do something when i say im going to do it!
im angry that im starving and i cbf making anything
im angry that ive actually written a list of all the things that are making me angry
man i need a shrink or something haha. anyway, how is everyone else? :?