Been awhile, though not really :P
I have proudly converted both my sisters to official Bleach fanatics :D Its really cool to have someone to talk to instead of type to about Bleach 24/7, and it furthers my assumption that anime and manga is the best thing ever and the only people that don't like it have never given it a chance :D They both also like furuba, but my older sister didn't really get into anime because of that but my younger sister did, but now they areboth otakus , the one thing that sucks though is have to split the computer time between and try to get to be the first person to read the new chapter :lol: I haven't watched fillers from the bount arc or the new arc, so they are a little ahead of me there , but whatever
I will say I HATE the new fillers, I saw the one with the new captain, but after I found out the fillers were about some girl, I lost interest, seriously, wth is some stupid shoujo -savetheprincess- storyline doing in my Bleach?!??!? I'd expect that crap from Naruto, but not Bleach, pisses me off T.T -deathglare-
manga-wise as far as BL goes, I'm waitin for someone to die :lol: anyone, please, I have this idea that the only reason Ichigo has 2 sisters is so Kubo can kill one off and Ichigo can still have the 'I have to protect' thing :P eeyah, I'm ranting, srry, bye
Meant to bug you with this awhile ago but, what the heck, some of my fav singers of bengara koshi :lol: The song is originally sung by Rangiku, Gin, Hinamori, and Hitsugaya, however, Harumi Inoue, who play Matsumoto, was not in the Live Bankai show, so every show the cast does a rock paper scissors to determine who does it that night, as it ends up being one of the best parts of the show, so here
Hitsugayawins and grudgingly sings
lolz Hitsugaya wins again, but gives Izuru the part , best version :D
Renji sings, pure epic win, could not stop laughing first time I saw this
everyone sings this time, and poor HT, Hinamori and Gin try to hold thier composure through it all :lol:
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