Law & Order SVU 7th Season
by *lilSVUfan on Comments
OMG I can't wait for the season to start. From what I have read about it and seen already, it's going to be awesome. Of course there will be another cop shooting this season, I hope it's not Olivia. However they have made it clear that the victim DOES NOT die but is injured. We know it won't be Fin because he was shot last season. Any guesses as to who it is? I'm thinking maybe Elliot or John. Anyways, I am totally looking forward to the new season. I hope there will be a follow up episode to the season 6 episode Ghost and at some point in a time a resolution to the Cesar Velez case. I miss Alex, I wish she would come back. Hopefully she will return to help end the Cesar Velez case and come out of witness protection and return to her job as ADA. I can't wait to see what happens. Law & Order SVU rocks. I'll be back later