How is evry1???
LiZ-when r u leaving for ure other vacation???
SAMMiE + APRiL- how was ure trip??
comment or message me!!!
Well, BYE!HI!!!!!
How is evry1???
LiZ-when r u leaving for ure other vacation???
SAMMiE + APRiL- how was ure trip??
comment or message me!!!
Well, BYE!Ha ha haha I luvv these. U dont actually hav to watch all these LOL. Im just bored. Message or comment me!
Dot on Oprah
Dot and The Little Miss Petite Pageant-
Dot and the Dryer-
Laguna Beach
High School Musical
American Idol Judges
Two Names You Go By
1. stacy
2. ummm... stacy
Two Things That Scare You
1. haley's dog LOL
2. that kid at haley's party
Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. clothes
2. makeup
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. this green shirt
2. these shorts
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. shopping
2. running (not really)
Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. a new wardrobe - sameee
2. sidekick 3 lol
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. wisconsin dells- i might go there this summer too but idk
2. California-samee again
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. get married and have kids
2. get a cute dog- the one w/ the heart LOL
Two Ways That You are Stereotyped
1. smart
2. creative-im the same pretty much
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. icecream- lol i want some now and we hav some!!!
2. nothing-im bored
Two Stores You Shop At
1. aeropostal
2. claires
Two people you haven't talked to in a while
1. a bunch of my cousins
2. Francesca
Two favorite web sites
2. tv.com
Two pets you had (have)
1. my hamsters-i used to hav them
Two Favorite Sports
1. dance
2. running- i guess
Two People who will fill this out
1. me
2. liz already filled it out
Two things you did last night
1.actually, i dont remember LOL
Two shows you like to watch
1. still standing
2. beauty and the geek
Two places you like to go "out" to
1. the movies
2. the mall
True or False
I am a morning person- kinda
I am an only child- false
I am Catholic-true
I am currently in my pajamas-true
I am currently pregnant- true! i didnt kno i was pregnant!!!!!! LOL
I am online 24/7, even as an away message - false
I bite my nails - sometimes
I can be paranoid at times -true
I currently regret something that I have done - false
I enjoy country music - true
I enjoy smoothies - true
I enjoy talking on the phone - true
I have a car -false
I have a cell phone - true
I have/had a hard time paying attention at school -false
I have a hidden talent -maybe idk
I have a lot to learn - true
I have a pet - false
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal - false
I have all my grandparents - false
I have at least one brother - truee
I have been to another country - true
I have been told that I am smart -true
I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor -false
I have broken a bone - false
I have Caller I.D. on my phone - true
I have bathed someone - falso
I have changed a diaper -ew false
I have changed a lot over the past year - not really soo false
I have done something illegal -ohh yeah totally lol
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color - nooo- read my ???? below
I have had major/minor surgery - false
I have had my hair cut within the last week -false
I have had the cops called on me -false
I have mood swings - false
I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life -false
I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy. - false
I have seen the television show The O.C. - false
I have watched Sex and the City -true
I like Shakespeare. -idk him well enough to say
I love to cook. - i can't false
I love Michael Jackson - false
I love sleeping - truee!!
I love to play computer games- true if they are fun
I love to shop - wayyy true
I miss someone right now-false
I own 100 CDs or more - no
I own and use a library card -i cant !!!!!!!
I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream -false this is boooring
I read books for pleasure in my spare time - true
I sleep a lot during the day - false
I strongly dislike math - false
I was born in a country other than the US - omg false again
I watch soap operas on a regular basis - nooo i'm sick of saying false
I will try almost anything once -false? idk
I work at a job that I enjoy - nope
I would ****fy myself as ghetto -yea homieee gee im gangsta!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and
scar-free -false
I am currently wearing socks -yep
I am tired - true
I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt -yess
wow that was looooooooooooooooong
"I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color - true"
What is your natural hair color??????
No one commented me on my blog below. : (
N E ways, I didnt have to go to running today cause my parents forgot to wake me up LOL so Eric woke me up like five minutes b4 it started, so i just decided not to go. So i didnt get to get ice cream, but i got to sleep till 11 so i think thats better : )
What did u guys do yesterday?? i went to my grandmas and swam and ate there. i didnt see the fireworks tho cause i dindnt feel like it. i dont like fireworks.
Ohhh, and theres gonna b a clique movie. its gonna be so stupid. its just going straight to dvd so u cant see it in theatres. im still gonna rent it when it comes out tho.
there is a website:
I had to get up at 7 for running. The camp was really boring and tiring. We had to run a mile and it was hard for me since I havent ran in forever so i did bad. Tomorrow we r gonna do races. I hate races. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The new clique book came out today so I'm gonna get it tonight!!!!
IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED!!! Does it look like im yelling w/ the caps?? LOL BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Stacy (thats my name in wingdings)
Heyy I'm back! It was fun! So this is what we did:
Thursday: We left. It took like eight hours to get there, but we stopped at Mc Donald's tho. Then we got to the condo. It was really nice, I've been there twice already. My aunt and uncle werent there yet cause they had to work. So we went swimming at the pool there. Then we ate pizza and then my aunt and uncle got there.
Friday: In the morning, we went on my uncle's new boat. It was really big and pretty. Then we went around the lake and saw all these HUGE houses. Then we went to this restraunt on the lake called the Horny Toad LOL, and we ate there. we played games there and then we rode in the boat back to the condo. Then we ate, swam, and then we went in the boat again at night.
Saturday: We went to this outlet mall cause we thought it was gonna rain. They had a Coach Factory there and they had coach purses for only like 60 dollars! But I didn't really like n e of them tho soI didn't buy n e of thing. After that we went on the boat and we went tubing! It was fun, but it was kinda scary tho LOL. Later that night, we had cake cause my dad's birthday was the next day.
Sunday: We went on the boat again and went swimming in the lake. Then we went back to the pool and swam. After lunch, my aunt and uncle had to leave cause my uncle had to work the next day. Then we went to some stores and ate at Wendy's.
Monday: We went swimming in the morning and then we left LOL. And now I'm at home.
Sorry that was so long. So what did you guys do?? Sammie- I got your messages. I was confused LOL. I added April so check your messages, April. Lizzie- How was Katie's party? I wish I could have gone. Send me a message!!!!!!!!!!
I figured out how to get a header image from photobucket.com!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!! Send me a message please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TTYL
Today is my birthday!!! YAY!!!! And I can write in color now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And post pictures!!!!!!!
Heyy, I got another new account. I'm sick of not being able to write in color, and I didn't like my old username. It was stupid.
Sooo, I went to the mall today, finally. I had pizza from Sab@rro's. I got some shorts and shirts. I also got this lip gloss and this body spray from Bath & Body. I got the lip gloss for free cause we got this coupon thing sent to us. Maybe I'll post pics if I can tommorow. I might write some reviews so I can get to level 3 by tommorow.
Tommorow is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And its father's day too. We are just going to my grandma's house tommorow for Father's day and we are gonna eat cake and stuff. I am leaving for vacation on Thursday morning!!! I am so excited!!! Well I will be on for a while to write reviews, but I will be on tommorow morning at like 10:30. TTYL
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