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First Blog

Heyy, I got another new account. I'm sick of not being able to write in color, and I didn't like my old username. It was stupid.

Sooo, I went to the mall today, finally. I had pizza from Sab@rro's. I got some shorts and shirts. I also got this lip gloss and this body spray from Bath & Body. I got the lip gloss for free cause we got this coupon thing sent to us. Maybe I'll post pics if I can tommorow. I might write some reviews so I can get to level 3 by tommorow.

Tommorow is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And its father's day too. We are just going to my grandma's house tommorow for Father's day and we are gonna eat cake and stuff. I am leaving for vacation on Thursday morning!!! I am so excited!!! Well I will be on for a while to write reviews, but I will be on tommorow morning at like 10:30. TTYL
