Ok, taking into a account that this is a global community, some of you may not be familar with the latest U.S congressional scandal... Senator Larry Craig was arrested for "lewd conduct" at a Minneapolis airport restroom stall...
Now, what has me upset are a couple of things... None of which are the fact that Craig is apparently gay or gay-ish...
What upsets me about all this is, first of all, here is a man who has campaigned adamently against gay rights. He has worked very hard to see that gays are not given equal rights...
And secondly, what really has my panties in a bunch, is that there are actually right wing folks who think that when people like me, bring up this hypocrisy, that we are being anti gay.
Forgive me for shelling out an old and tired expression... But, if I had a nickel for every self righteous, conservative, family values, anti gay church going man who turns out to be gay himself...
I'd be rich.
What's the problem?
Here's my thinking (and it's kind of circular, but this is as far as I've gotten)
Society... (at least American society)... makes it very hard to be openly gay So... many people stay in the closet... They're filled with self loathing which often causes them to be outwardly anti gay.
Ok... But what is "society"... It's us. And what causes society to be so anti gay?
People like Senator Craig.
What's the fix?