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A young man, his head filled with questions, "Who am I?" "Why am I here" "What is my purpose"

These questions kept him awake at night.

He decided to seek out the wisest person in his town... after much investigation he found out that person worked at a nearby inn.

He went to that inn and said to the owner, "I have heard that you are wisest man in town... Please tell me, who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning of life... Please, tell me, what is your secret!"

The innkeeper looked into the eyes of the young man.

"When the dishes are dirty, I clean them. I pay extra special attention to making sure not a crumb of food remains on them."

The young man stared, waiting for more. But the innkeeper was silent.

"That's it?" He asked, incredulously.

"That's it." The inkeeper said.

And so, I think, sometimes... It really is that simple.

When the dishes are dirty, wash them.

Taking yourself out of the picture could be the big secret to finding out who you really are.

eh, just some random musings from a sleep deprived brain.
