*maaarin / Member

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Free at last!

It hasn't sunk in yet. School's over! :lol:

It's been a tough few months, tougher than ever, so I'm super happy it's finally over and that I'm satisfied with my grades :D

Christmas is here, and even that hasn't hit me yet since these days we have school until, like, Christmas Eve :roll: So my head was full of (useless) information from biology, physics, chemistry, latin etc. However, my Christmas miracle hasn't happened, and it probably won't - you know, the little thing we like to call the writers' strike :lol: I've come to terms with the fact that Big Brother is going to be the big television event of the winter :lol: , like I already said quite a few times XD I've actually been practising how to watch as least TV as possible :lol: I try to watch only one show when I come home from school, then one in the afternoon and one before going to bed :lol: So I actually saved quite a few shows, and when I add lots of episodes of CSI's, Criminal minds, NCIS, Ghost whisperer etc., the winter shouldn't be that boring...

The Biggest Loser ended this week... I really like the show, but those super fake, overhyped and just silly live finales are just dumb... Two hours was waaay too much, and those first weigh-ins took FOREVER... :lol: Other than that, I haven't really been watching a lot... Notes from the underbelly, of course, I love the show (still, I hate the fact that the ratings have been so awful :( ), Boston Legal and Nip/Tuck... I just saw the promo for the next Boston Legal, it looks like an awesome episode that might be a start of a new story arc... Oh yeah, I also watched a little thing called Survivor... Not even worth mentioning... When I ssaw that gay moron with his pathetic little hair and whiny little voice when he won, I just turned my TV off... Ugh... I'm not homphobic, but just making those faces and feeling like you need to tell the world how gay you are is just stupid... Oh well...

I also saw a movie last week... Superbad... :lol: My God, what and awesome movie in a super stupid way :lol: I love Todd Apatow's movies (40-year-old virgin, Knocked up), but KU is still my fav... Still, this one had some great moments :D

So, I'm off to celebrate my freedom... I've got three weeks to eat and drink as much as I can :lol: I'm also planning on going ice-skating (it's something I discovered this year, I luv it :lol: ), going to the movies a few times and just going out... :D So, happy holidays, everyone :D
