So, I'm back to writing normal posts :D About the last post: I was really looking forward to having this long, fancy post full of pics and everything, but turns out - the post is too long (maximum number of characters allowed
kinda screwed me over :lol: ) I wanted to write something about what made the headlines this past year, and add some photos of some of the shows included, but it was impossible... Yeah, I could've split it into two posts, but I just didn't wanna do that :D
So, why am I here, writing again? Well... I would like to post my wishes for this year, mostly about television and movies... It's sad, I know :lol: I've got some other wishes, but they're not really that important :D So, should I ask Santa to make my wishes come true or...? :lol: Nevermind, here we go...
1. I want to wake up one day and see the headlines all over the Internet: THE STRIKE IS OVER :D
1,5. If that's not possible for another few months, then I want those few months to be great (read: Lots of great shows...) :D
2. I want to see Friday Night Lights, Notes from the Underbelly, Pushing Daisies, Chuck and 30 Rock next fall a.k.a. I want 'em renewed for a second/third season! :D
3. I want to see the second season of Damages this summer :)
4. I want lots of great shows next fall (I'm being optimistic here, in my world the strike ends just in time for the fall season to be intact :lol: )
5. I want a summer full of dancing, a.k.a. a great season of So you think you can dance and lots of great new (and old) summer shows...
6. I want great movies this year, and not just the big fancy blockbusters, but something really good :)
7. I really really want Heroes to go back to being the show we all fell in love with next fall :D
8. I want to see Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton nominated for an Emmy next season (just nominated cause the next Emmys don't air until '09 :D )...
9. I want to see a Veronica Mars / Gilmore Girls TV Movie :D:oops:
10. I want the TV world to be shocked by an announcement from the SciFi channel: Galactica will be back for a fifth season :lol:
11. I really hope The CW will finally get some really great shows next fall and renew Aliens in America, that little gem nobody's watching :(
12. I want Pushing Daisies, Damages and Chuck to win all the awards they've been nominated for :D
13. I want Comedy Central to renew Drawn Together, cause that show rules :D
14. I want Rules of engagement canceled! :lol:
15. I want my favorite to win on Idol :lol:
16. I want to see shows like Entourage, Weeds and Rescue Me go back to being great shows like they used to be :D
17. I want TV Guide talk to remain awesome and hilarious (it's a weekly podcast from, it's awesome, check it out :D )
And finally:
18. I want reality to die! :lol: At least the new stuff :lol: :lol: Leave Idol, SYTYCD, Survivor, TAR and Beauty and the geek on :lol:
So that's it :D That's a lot of wishes, I know :lol: But what I really, really want is the strike to end and a great fall season, especially since this one was kinda mediocre... Yes, there have been lots of great shows, but they're not some huge hits, which makes me sad...
So, what's coming soon? I'm super excited because my gulity pleasures are returning, one by one :lol: The Biggest Loser, Power of 10, One Tree Hill, American Idol etc., but also some greaaat stuff: Lost, Jericho, New Christine and some new stuff (Yay :D ) - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Eli Stone (can't wait!! :D ), Welcome to the Captain, Breaking Bad, Cashmere Mafia etc.
Also, the strike made me turn to movies and books - I've been watching movies and reading a lot these last few weeks, so next time I write, I'll be writing about the movies I saw (I loved every single one of them :lol: I choose my movies carefully :D ) and the books I read (Just a few of 'em - not a fast reader :D )... A little sneak peek :lol: The movies include: No country for old men and Enchanted and the books include Mario Puzo's The Family :D *Now everyone starts saying Woooow in shock* :lol:
And yes - IT STARTED SNOWING! AGAIN! ON NEW YEAR'S EVE! Can you believe it?! In one year - we have snow on Christmas AND New Year's Eve! And it still hasn't stopped :D There's so much snow, and I love it :D
So that's about it - I have this week and next week to relax and sleep, then it's back to school :( But I'm in the same position like this fall: School starts, TV shows start :lol: The Golden Globes air on "The Eve of the Second Semester" :lol: And then Prison break and Idol start and it's going to be wild :D And please, check out my Look back at the year 2007 - it's just below, and please leave a comment :lol: See ya soon :D