Hi everyone
As my first blog post (on tv.com) I have a quiz I "stole" from my friend Manu. Have fun!
What is your name? Margarida
Which of your parents gives the best hugs? Mom
Where were you born? Oporto, Portugal :D
What is the name of the last book you read spelled backwards? rauL áH etnemzileF :)
What is the last thing you watched on tv? Everwood
How old is your grandmother? 88
Do you believe in the importance of good oral health? Yes
Apart from your birth month, which month is your favourite? August
Write 1 or 2 lines from your favourite song. "And the cracks in the pavement, Yeah we've all fell there before, And bones built into skeleton,We've all been through that door."
("Kiss me, oh Kiss me" David Fonseca - my favourite not just because it mentions Bones, okay ;) )
At what age would you like to retire? never :P
Name a character on a cartoon/children's show that tv could do without. Noddy
At what age do you believe it is okay to start dating? 18
Who is you role model? I really like Oprah...
What are you five favourite flavours? Strawberry, Chocolate, Caramel, Raspberry and Peach
What is your favourite number? 27
Give a number from 1-100. 74
Write one wierd thing about you? People think I'm a nerd, but I really spend my afternoons online, doing nothing :P
What is the last sentence you said before you started reading this question? "Eles que vão ao dicionário" (Let them go to the dictionary - talking to Manu about caramel/tofee)
Who is one of your favourite family members? My aunt.
Name one thing you did today. Math exercises
What is your favourite food? Italian food..
Turn around. What is the first thing that catches your eye? math homework which I haven't finished!!
Write a line from a cheer/ rap song/Christmas carol that you know. Oh Happy day... :p
Find a book. Let it fall open. Write the first two sentences you see. "Os pais de Sinhá iam ralhando com ela. Mas estavam tão comovidos com o próprio heroísmo - tiveram de coragem de afrontar o Gato Malhado para salvar a filha - que não ralharam demasiado" (Jorge Amado - O Gato Malhado e a Andorinha Sinhá)
Write the chorus of a Country and Western/Rock/R&B song you know. It's time to say goodbye Block out the sun and pack up the sky Don't let my tears start to make you cry
Each time I try to say my goodbye Try to stop asking why (Goodbye - The Corrs)
Now here comes the good part! Use the answers that you just got from those questions to answer these questions.
What is your name? Margarida
Who told you that lie? Mom
When the aliens threw you off the space ship, where did you land? Oporto, Portugal :D
What name did the aliens give you? rauL áH etnemzileF
When you were in you underwear, with a towel around your neck like a cape, pretending to fly around you room, what show's theme song did you use as your super hero song? Everwood
How many flies flew past your mouth this morning? 88
So, you swallowed the rest? Yes
You took your last bath in...August
When you caught your boyfriend putting on your makeup, what did you tell him? "And the cracks in the pavement, Yeah we've all fell there before, And bones built into skeleton,We've all been through that door." ("Kiss me, oh Kiss me" David Fonseca - my favourite not just because it mentions Bones, okay ;) )
How many times have you broken out of prison? Never (I suppose I'm still in, then...)
What does you ideal man look like? Noddy
On a scale of 1-30, you are a __ on the kinky radar. 18
Who is your crush dating instead of you? I really like Oprah...
If you were to be strungup and beaten like a pinata, what kind of candywould come out? Strawberry, Chocolate, Caramel, Raspberry and Peach
How old were you when you were born? 27
On a scale of 1-100, you are a __ on the sexy radar. 74
Why are the neighbours calling the police? People think I'm a nerd, but I really spend my afternoons online, doing nothing :P
You are at the bus stop and David Boreanaz walks up to you. What do you say to him? "Eles que vão ao dicionário" (Let them go to the dictionary - talking to Manu about caramel/tofee)
Who told me to ask you these questions? My aunt
Why are you on the 10 most wanted list? Math Exercises
What do you sneakers smell like? Italian food..
A thief breaks into your house. What did he come for? math homework which I haven't finished!!
You hit your toe on a stone. In a rage, you exclaim: Oh Happy day... :p
What is your philosophy in life: "Os pais de Sinhá iam ralhando com ela. Mas estavam tão comovidos com o próprio heroísmo - tiveram de coragem de afrontar o Gato Malhado para salvar a filha - que não ralharam demasiado" (Jorge Amado - O Gato Malhado e a Andorinha Sinhá)
Dr. Gregory House is your substitute teacher for science. He asks you a question and you get up and say "Sir... It's time to say goodbye Block out the sun and pack up the sky Don't let my tears start to make you cry Each time I try to say my goodbye Try to stop asking why (Goodbye - The Corrs)
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