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*magicfairy Blog


I am glad summer is haere but I am also sad. It was a great year but it is very sad because I have 2 move. I am moving to Illinoie(that is not how u spell it) and I have to laeve all of my friends. It should be nice but I dont know. The school I am going to is huge( twice the size of my school now) that that school is over I hope to be back more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VT and Star testing

I havent been on in a while so I a now talking about the Vt shooting.  It was so sad i was in tears when I heard.  I didnt know any one but I am sad.  it is sooo sad that some one would do that.

On another note I have huge tests for the next 2 weeks I am soo not prepared and they just sprung another catagory on us.  Algerbra is so hard I will fail it and have to take it again next year.

No level

I have no level is that common and for a long time I could not veiw my profile avatar or any thing else.   I am mad plus I can not do any thing but the blog.  Im glad I can finally do this at least. 

Spring break

It is spring break in california and it is great to be off school.  Even though i havae home work it is still great not to have classes.  It is really hot here not normal for this time if yaer so it is great!!!!!