this is an honesty testif you have to cheat then shame on you :cry:
1 who was with Gibbs in the water vehicle when we first meet Tim and what is the vehicle called?
2 What episode does Paula Cassidy first appear in?
3 what actress played the blind girl in the season two premiere?
4 Which episode did the probie have to solve a case by himself, the name of the witness and what Tony told McGee it really was?
5 which two characters got stuck together and who set them free?
6 who ended up dying in the end of season two and who was splattered with the characters blood?
7 Who do we meet in season three opener, what is her relationship to Ari and what did she think Tony was doing on the phone when she first walks in?
8 what is Abby's helpers name and what does Abby call him?
9 what came first McGee's killing of a cop or Tony going to jail?
10 what was the name of the highschool student with a bomb and who was did he want to see?
11 what is Abby's stalkers name and what did Gibbs say to convince Abby it wasnt her fualt in his basment?
12 who left us at the end of this season and what character appears again?
13 what is the names of Gibbs first wife and daughter?
14 what did Abby dress up as for Halloween and what was the missing childs name?
15 for who did McGee break NCIS code for and what little secret did the person reveal to Tony and ZIva?
16 who are Tommy and Lisa?
17 who was the dead man walking and who fell in love with him and what did Tony do to help her out?
18 Another character goes to heaven who and which character is probably the most affected by it?
19 who is the frog, and what is Tony and Jensties with him?
20 what does Tony do with the letter and was this the first time a baby appeared on the show?
21 what was season 5 2ndepisode titled before and after?
22 this is an opinion question: With Abby punching out Fred and McGee's big grin do you think they're relationship will stay on this season?