Wah wah wah wah :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
ugh I hate bleeding its sooooo gross
but on the bright side hallelulah NCIS is back yay and in one more month I'm legal
bad side: my ID card I had to get cause I lost my old one looks like a deer in a headlight (wide eyed and really cheesy smile yikes)
pt 1 Quiz time: (first parts opinion worth 5 points eac)
1. before 5th season ends you think Jibbs, McAbby or Tiva will go steady?
2. do you think Jeanne is also dead?
3. spoiler: it seems that a regular is off this season who's your suspect?
4. If you go to Tiva thread and their last page Ziva is staring in a camera does Cote look like Kate by first glance?
Ok pt 2 real test up to right now (no points off if you haven't seen episodes)
1. What is mini Gibbs and min DiNozzo's name (just first bonus for episodes)
2. what episode did Paula die and what kind of hug did Abby give Timmy?
3. What was the probie dressed for halloween in witch hunt?
4. Who was given more lines in their part Abigail Breslin or Zac Efron
5. What is Kelly Gibbs best friends name and did she die?
pt 3 T or F?
6. true or false in episode family the baby had a pacifier in his mouth when Gibbs lifted him up?
7. T or F. Abby's hippo is named Bart?
8. T or F. Tim's second book is Deep six 2?
9. T or F. Gibbs boat is name Kelly?
10. T or F. Ducky has never called his assistant Mr Palmer Jimmy
pt 4 matching
11. Ziva is in love with ____
A. Tony
B. Tim
C. Gibbs
D. All three its a hinky show after all :D
12. Ducky'd mother has appeared ____ times
A. 2
b. 5
C. 6
D. two many to count
13. Special agent ______ was the first to leave/die
A Chris Pacci
B. Kate Todd
C Paula Cassidy
D. Darth Vador Rules!
14. Gibbs has been married ____ times
A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 2 million the way he brags about it
15. Special agent ________ joins the team season 4 when Gibbs quit/retires.
A. Michelle Lee
B. Paula Cassidy
C. Tobias Fornell
D. the directors assistant Cynthia to cut back money
16. According to question one.
When did your couple first meet, ever have sex on air and why do you like them so much?
to get full ten bonus points for essay answer must be 30 words or more