I took this off DiNozzo lover it sounded cool
2. Friends
3. House
4. Saved by the Bell
5. Scooby Doo
6. the Justice League
What can I say I'm a cartoon freak I adore cartoons
1. Who is your favourite character from #2?
Joey is the best guy and Pheobe is the funnies girl
2. Who is your least favourite character from #4?
I dont know I love all six of them but I guess slater maybe
3. What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include?
ooh a fight to solve mysteries I just would love to see Tony interact with a talking dog
4. Who is your favourite ship from #6?
Superman and Wonderwoman or maybe Wonderwoman and Batman I cant decide
5. If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be?
Cuddy and the flash heh heh he
6. If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do?
Its too bad the show ended but I adored Zack Mark Paul Gosselaar is incredibly hot
7. If you could change one thing about #2's plotline, what would you change?
I have no idea
8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #2, and why you like the relationship between them.
ooh Ross and Rachel the on/off relationship their all romantic though they'refriends forlife
9. If the lead title characters (first names in the credits) from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be?
Ahhh! Gibbs or House! Ummm... probably.... umm... Gibbs, i think. Tough choice though. Not one I ever wish to make. I cant change this answer I like it too much ditto for me really
10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose?
I think it's fine
11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6, what would the character be like and what would their role be?
their heroes um the hulk maybe I have no clue
12. What happened in your favourite episode of show #2?
ummmm Ross and Rachel had baby Emma shes cute
13. If you could kill off one of the characters of #1, who would it be and how would you do it?
That's just cruel. But I'd probably choose Jen, and Jeanne would kill her, and then... McGee would kill Jeanne and Tony would get all angry with him and everything, and then Ziva would comfort Tony and then... TIVA MAGIC! lol, i'll just rewrite the whole show. ditto again but I want McAbby magic more heh heh heh
14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose?
ooh the hospital or the mystery machine I want to see them both I would go to House only to see him in action I adore Chase
15. So, I saved the best for last. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person?
McGee then Zac, chase, Joey, Shaggy and the Flash heh I cheated I'm dating everyone but if only one McGee is the best I looooove Timmy :D
wheeeeeeeee this was fun and weird I have weird shows and most of the shows I loved are over noooo oh well please comment me!!!!!