Woohoo! It's May long weekend! I've been waiting for this for 6 weeks. 6 weeks of '5 days a week' of school. Finally a break. And next week is only 3 days. I get Monday and Friday off. The school people obviously know what Thursday means... Grey's finale. And it could be good or bad... So the day off is good.
Oh my Dempsey, I heard the best spoiler for Grey's today. I have NO idea how credible it was, but it was good... Like, really good. Like, Paddy in Made of Honor good.
Speaking of which... Made of Honor is finally uploaded onto the internet. And so yes, I watched it again. And it was just as good the 2nd time around! And the file I watched on the internet had Spanish subtitles. Haha, learning while watching Paddy. My favourite type of learning.
Anyways, Office finale! Umm... Not much to say. It was really good, really funny. I loved that Dwight said that Kevin was mentally challenged to the new girl. That was so funny. And I'm glad that Dwight and Angela hooked up at the end there... :D
Ghost Whisperer finale: Why would they leave us there? Just...ugh! And her dad? What's the deal? Errrrg! Anyways, can't wait for next season! :P
So my parents left for Vancouver today, until Thursday . It's my dad's 50th b-day, so my mom wanted to do something special. And my brother is camping... and my other brother is never home anyways... and my sister... well, she'll be busy on her computer, as usual. So... I was thinking Paddy marathon... but maybe not... Either way, I'm excited.