Rose. An object, a thing. A name... A four letter word. You know what else is a four letter word? Hate. And then theirs words such as Like, Love, Okay, Fine, Hope, Need, Easy. All these words. Rose. Can I say I hate her? Maybe.
I heard that the actress who plays Rose, Lauren Stamile, is actually a Mer/Der fan. I bet she's partially hates herself. I mean, you're breaking up an amazing couple. But then again... you get to screw up your kisses with Patrick Dempsey so you have to shoot them over and over and over and over get the point. I'm pretty jealous of her... I can't say I hate her. Not really. I hate the idea of her. I hate the idea that she, as Rose, is kissing Derek. If it was just flirting, maybe a hug or two, everything would be fine. Okay, not fine, but I'd survive. Even if Derek does basically break up with Meredith and go ask Rose on a date. I'd be okay with that. But Rose is kissing Derek. Not good. It seems as though he's moving on. Without the kiss, there is still hope for those Mer/Der crazy fans like me. Okay, maybe I'm just saying that because that kiss was the most grotesque thing I've EVER seen. Pretty much. Basically. But Rose needs to stop. If Shonda still wants her Mer/Der fans to keep watching the show, Rose needs to stop.
But do I hate her? Technically... no. Rose is... Rose. She can only do so much. There are two people in a relationship. She is only one. Derek on the other hand... I don't even want to get started on his problems. Too bad I have this perfect cookie cutter image of Derek that makes him impossible to hate, even while he's not with Meredith. It's pretty rediculous. But I can't help it! They don't call him McDreamy for nothing! He, the smart dummy he is, even predicted that he would move on. "But what if while I'm waiting (for Meredith) I meet someone who is ready to give me what I want from (her)." He didn't know what he would do then... Now he does. Rose made that clear...
Rose. I don't quite hate her. Even if she is stalker-ish. She's Rose! I want to say she's harmless, but she's pretty in love with Dr. Shepherd. She knows so much about him, hence the stalker-ness. But what I want to know is why doesn't she know he's in so love with Meredith? It could be that she does know but wants, no, hopes he can move on with her. Rose. There is that four letter word again. She is so caught up with Derek, that she hasn't even thought to see what this is actually doing to him. Or Meredith. I mean, come on, for a stalker, you're doing a bad job. You'd have to know that this would break Meredith. Is she that cold blooded? And why did she freak out when the computer went all psycho in surgery. Okay, sure, it's a life and death situation, but you forgot to press the RESTART button? Come on chick! Put it into gear! And stop shaking! You're in a operation room for Brain Surgery, why are you so jumpy? You've been in, oh, how many with Derek? 37 was it? Who knows for sure? Oh, that's right, Rose does because her whole life is focused on Dr. Shepherd.
Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose.
She has ruined the name. What was Shonda thinking when she introduced her? Okay, maybe if she lets up, she can be okay. Like Lexie. And Addison. Everyone hated them at the beginning, but then grew to like them. We can like Rose. For sure. We just can't like her with Derek. Mark maybe. Mark definitly. That would a good couple. Except for yet another snag: She broke up with her fiance because he wasn't ready. Funny eh? Thats just what Derek wants from Meredith. Her to be ready. But Mark could never be with her. His character in not capable of stopping from his manwhore ways. Maybe in 5 years he'll be ready, but not now. It's a shame, really. Rose needs a man. Desperately. Someone to give her pleasure. But I refuse to watch Derek help her there. No. Never. Derek and Meredith. Yup. Meredith and Derek. Merek. Deredith. Together. Definitly.
It seems that I hate her. But really, I'm just blabbing about her flaws and my thoughts. I don't hate her. Not yet at least. I wanted to hate her. I did hate her, but then I realized maybe I shouldn't. She's just being herself. Stalker, weirdo, bad scrub nurse, Derek addict, self. If I were a scrub nurse for him, I would probably do the same. Which makes me a bad person, doesn't it?
Tell me your opinions. Agree? Disagree? With what? I want to hear. I want a good argument.