Not in a literal, insomniac, lethargic kinda way, just in a oh-god-let-this-year-end way. :P
I'm over the sentimental "aw, high school is ending!" stuff, and ready to just do my final exams and finish forever.
I swear, once I'm done, I will be on TV.com everyday doing nothing.
Hell, I might even contribute to the Trivia sections in TV shows and stuff!
Who knows what will become of me!?
But yeah. Meh. Blugh. Neng.
Random noises.
This is what is happening.
My mental acuity is actually dropping and my sanity has destroyed been.
But all is well.
How is everyone?
Normal blogs will be posted in 22 days, when my life is not a hyperbolic decay-ridden, crumbling mess of despair and Year-12 stress.