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Hi there, apparently I don't exist!

Well, yesterday Tv.COM refused to let me post any comments
or post any blogs
or do anything on the forum, except read other peoples' stuff.

Everytime I tried to reply or comment or quote, I would type my little thing, and then click on the 'Submit' thing, and then it didn't work!

So yeah, this blog might not work.
I hope it does though.
I posted a much longer one yesterday, but then it didn't go through! And I was so annoyed cause I spent ages perfecting just how frustrating this non-commenting-thing was. :roll:

In fact, I'm probably wasting my time right now. This blog will most likely not go through.

Stupid Tv.COM :evil:

Edit: Oh yes! It went through! I'm cured! CURED I TELL YOU! :D