Greetings (lol, that word is so cool. It's right up there with siblings, and incognito.)
A few things:
- I've got a new icon. It's from the How I Met Your Mother episode, Slapbet, and it's Robyn in the 90's (which apparently is when the 80's came into Canada.) :P
- I've reached Level 8! :) I'm no longer still stuck on the chain of constant crap levels, like Thighmaster or other unearthly things. :? I'm a Super-Friend! :D And moving up the food chain of Tv.COM :P.
- New About Me section, but nothing most of you really didn't know anyway. :)
- I need advice on a few shows I'm considering getting into.
I obviously won't go to the forums of these TV shows, because... well, about 99% of the people on those forums are fans of the show, so I thought I'd ask you guys, who, if you've seen a decent number of episodes of one of the series I am about to mention, whether or not those TV shows are worth investing my time in.
Well, I managed to fit all that in one sentence. :P
Anyway, I'm thinking of getting into:
- One Tree Hill - I've seen the first 8 episodes, and I'm relatively interested in it, and I've gotten advice from at least two people on what they think of it, but I'm wondering what other people think of it? Does it turn into absolute crap, or is it worth buying the DVDs over?
- Supernatural - I'm basically 100% sure I'm about to buy the DVDs, but I'm just curious as to what other people think of it.
-Torchwood -We don't have the DVDs over here, cause the series has just started, but has anyone seen this series? I've never watched Doctor Who, but this series has been heavily advertised by Channel 10, so I'm actually considering giving it a shot. Anyone?
- Jericho - I'm interested merely because all of the fuss the fans made. I've never really considered watching it, as my science teacher said it was so unrealistic, but I guess I can look past that, cause I'm not that great at science anyway. :P Sadly, it's not being broadcasted here anymore, (unless it comes back in summer) so I'm wondering if I should invest in the DVDs. Anyone?
Anyway, if anyone watches (or did watch) these shows, can you please tell me your opinion on it? :)