OK, so many of you know about my new obsession:
One Tree Hill.
(And a lot of you disapprove :P)
But I am glad to tell all of you disapproving Tv.COMers that I am now officially One-Tree-Hilled out.
I can't watch anymore.
I've gone through the first 3 seasons in 10 days,
(which to some of you may not seem like alot - but it is for me)
and now, I am exhausted ... from sitting on the couch and watching TV. :lol:
I still like it, but my big-obsessive-compulsively-watching-TV-24/7-for-it has finished. :D
I have a life again! :D
My skin is about to see the light of day again. :P
Well, anyway, in other news:
I was thinking about getting into Nip/Tuck... recommendations? :D