Hey everybody,
Just another quick update. Finished all my exams - they didn't feel super-good, but I'm always my harshest critic when it comes to things like this - so we'll see how it goes! I get all my results on the 13th of December which will be semi-indicative of the tertiary institution I will get into.
But yeah, I'm really not even bothered by it anymore. It's funny how not-as important it seems once it's finished. It was definitely important, but not as paramount as it once felt. :P
Anyway, I've started a new job for the summer, working at least 25 hrs a week, so I'm getting heaps of money. Yay! But when it ends, I'll go back to unemployment and probably enjoy that for a little while.
How is everyone else? Sorry I've been so absent.
Recently, I've been watching 'THE OFFICE' (US, of course, I have seen the British one though). I really love it. It's awesome. Steve Carrell can be quite annoying, but also hilarious.
Um, besides that, not much else is happening.
What is everyone else watching/doing?