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Tonights Episodes

I loved the episode of Supernatural, we saw a little of Dean's darkside, and it was so dark he turned on Sam for a minute there. I don't know what made me love this episode so much but I just felt involved in it. I got so mad when Dean hit Sam, I wanted to yell at him, honestly it's just them two why would he trust a stranger so quickly. But then I thought about what Dean told Gordon and I excused his behavior. Well done Kripke. ;) As for Smallville... shame on the writers for creating a man eating, plant monster who escaped from the Phantom Zone. Wow, :roll: this episode could've been so much better than it was, but it was completely lame. I loved the Green Arrow, and even dealt with Lana in this episode having sex *gag* with Lex. Basically, I thought this episode was garbage with the exception of the background stories.