ewww...i'm sick...and i feel icky..haha...caity would know that i use retarted words like yummy, icky, poopy....hahaha....so ya...black...how do i make a poem about black...that doesn't rhyme...and doesn't make me sound like i'm about to kill myself....hmmm.....and how do i get my mom to change her mind about me being too sick to have my best friend over tomorrow..... i have two impossible missions....and if i keep getting sick, my pe teacher may attack me with weights and runs for me to catch up...hahahaha....
just for caity.....101 21 17 73, 3, or 4.....most of the time...hahahha!!! by the way....i got his last name wrong!!!YAY!!!he has a normal last name....and no twin brother...i am no longer confused!!!!XD but still sick....
~mrs. trix, mochalot, or jubjub....hmmm....