1. Full name: Christina Maria Antonia Martins
2. Nicknames: christie, crispy, martini, martins, elvis, the stalker, tommy tucker, and more...i'm too lazy to put them all down...
3. Shoe size: 6 or 7
4. Height: i don't know probably about 5'0"
5. Hair: brown
6. Siblings? Tornado Tony (3 yr old bro)
7. Do you like to sing in the shower? um...kind of depends on my mood but usually...noone knows that though
8. Do you like to sing? yep...i'm not good at it at all though
9. Birthday: September 2
10. Sign: Virgo
11. Lefty or righty? righty
12. shoes or sandals? usually shoes unless i'm going to the beach or something...
13. Coke or Pepsi? diet pepsi
14. What do you want in a relationship? i want an ugly guy that i don't know...hahaa
15. Have you ever cheated? nope
16. Marital status: single.... OMG...noone loves me :'(
17. Song (right now)? speakers blown (hit the lights), your guardian angel(red jumpsuit apparatus), risque(cute is what we aim for)
19. Movie(s): John Tuker Must Die ...lol
20. Number(s): 2, 17, 4, and 1, 17, 8, and.... 4, 12, 18 haha
21. Card game? speed?lol
22. radio station? 94.5 the beat
23. Sports? i'm not the most athletic person on earth...but i like badminton.. ahha
25. Food: sushi..
26. TV show: One Tree Hill, Smallville, Supernatural
27. Cartoon: Family Guy
28. Character: On tv? Nathan and Haley
29. Color: either blue or black probably
30. Do you plan on having kids? yeah...i have names for them and everything..haha caity
32. What's something you can't wait to say? OMG! Chase and Cameron got together!!! ahaha (just to make caity mad)
33. Get married? yep
34. Would you have kids before marriage? maybe, but not likely
35. You have a b/f or g/f? nope
36. Do you have a crush: umm....
37. What hurts you the most? umm....don't know...
38. Music/TV: music
40. Green/Blue: blue
41. Pink/Purple: Pink (i hate purple)
42. Summer/Winter: winter
43. Night/Day: day
44. Hanging Out/Chillin: um....i'll tell you when i find out the difference between the two...
45.Dopey/Funny: funny
46. You know I'm around when you hear: complaining...lol
47. What school do you go to? Little Flower.....
48. Do you enjoy what you do? well considering i do homework...no!
49. What's a major turn on for you? ugly noses!!! ahahhaa
50. Who Are They? wait.. wat?
51. Most blonde: Ashlee
52. Nicest: i don't know anyone nice...ahha
53. Funniest: calvin
54. Tallest: luke
55. What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? i'm not gna tell cause then that person will do it...lol jk
56: How serious you are: um....ask friends..i'm as mature as a 2 year old...
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? my uncle
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get: the whole nodding thing for guys...
61. What do you want right now? beef tataki
62. What's one thing you can't live without? music
63. Love or Lust: love....but i guess lust sort of starts everything off...lol
64. Silver or Gold: Silver
65. Diamond or Pearl: diamond...
66.Sunset or sunrise: sunset
67. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? no
68. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? um..they stopped fitting on my bed so i sleep next to them....don't ask how many..
69. Do you have any piercings? One in each ear.
70. What colour underpants are you wearing right now: umm...green?
71. What song are you listening to right now? Speakers Blown by Hit the Lights
72. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone: 9741
73. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: i dno..somewhere warm?
74. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? umm..tad personal isn't it?
75. What are some of the first things you notice about the opposite sex? eyes...
77. What's the next CD(s) you'll get? Hit the Lights...but i can't find it...:'(
78. Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope.
79. What was the best advice ever given to you? go kill yourself...haha
80. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? umm....funny...but scary is ok sometimes....
82. On the phone or in person? depends on who it is...but usually the phone
83. Hugs or kisses? hugs
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? probably my brother
86. Do you have any enemies? The other 2 stalkers...haha
87. Who was the last person to hug you? my brother...
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich....i guess..
89. What time is it in Albania now? ummm...am i supposed to know?
91. Have you ever met Santa? yep....he's at every single mall on earth for like 2 weeks during christmas time...
92. Name something or someone pretty: you!!!
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? ummm...i'm not gna answer this cause then...the person would know....and i don't want that to happen...now do i...
94. Do you have any pets? goldfish- Jake
95. Who was the last person you danced with? my cousin melissa...haha
96. Last time you were stressed: umm....trying to finish all three projects that were due the next day like two weeks ago..
98. Who sent this to you: No one. I stole it from Caity who stole it from Julia...
99. What do you think of this person? she's kinda wierd..and creepy..haha
100. Do you want people to send this back? I don't care...