Man, after watching Steve Stone call the Indians / White Sox game last night, I was in a pretty good mood, despite them losing 2-1. I'm about to go to bed, then I see this **** of Bonds breaking the record. Boooo! Booo!! Blasphemy!! Cheater!! Liar!! Steroids!! Asterisk!
No matter what anyone says, Hank Aaron is still the legit homerun king. And there is only one issue here: Bonds said, under oath, he took the Cream and the Clear. Doesn't matter if he did it "unknowingly" (which is a whole lot of bull), he still took it, and judging by his pics, most men in the late 30s don't suddenly balloon up and grow a full hat size.
Yeah Barroids, live it up, because now you're big ego, after all its McGwire envy, you got your precious revenge, at the expense of your health and MLB & sport's (was) most cherished record of all-time. Guess what, nobody cares about the HR record anymore, and we're waiting for A-Rod to break it, which he will before he hits 40 years old.
Yes, I'm angry. I'm very pissed off. But part of me matured, realizing it's just a silly sports record, and thanks to Bonds, it's one less piece of Americana to care about. Bonds is everything that is wrong with sports and competition. And what's worse, is the criminals he's associated with still have not exposed their information to incriminate Bonds. At least Selig wasn't there. That counts for something. Talk amongst yourselves. Express your outrage, then we'll ignore the whole matter until A-Rod gets close in about 7-8 years.